Architecture. Зайцева И.В. - 62 стр.



Architecture, first and last and all the time, is proportion. Wren’s proportions –
in his columns, his moldings, his decorations – all have delicacy. They are well-bred,
well-mannered and discreet. His dome when he built it, was the thitd largest in the
world. Yet such was Wren’s genius that he managed to give it an air of modesty.
Wren’s greatest achievement, St.Paul’s Cathedral, London ( 1675 – 1711 ), owes
much to French and Italian examples of the Baroque period; but the plan shows a
remarkable adaptation of the traditional English cathedral plan to Baroque spatial uses.
Wren is also notable for his design of about 50 city buildings, marvelous for
their beauty; Greenwich Observatory; Hampton Court Palace; Greenwich Hospital;
Kensington Palace – the Grangery; Windsor Town Hall and others.
Wren died in 1723. He lies buried in St.Paul’s. His tomb is aplain slab of stone
on which is written: “If you seek his monument, look around you”.
6.3 Exercises to the text
6.3.1 Find the false sentences using information from the text. Correct the
false sentences:
1) Jones’ early years are associated with gothic buildings.
2) Jones’ first authentic building was Queen’s Chapel in London.
3) Jones greatly influenced the development of the English architecture.
4) Christopher Wren lived and worked in the 16
5) Wren’s genius was obvious even in childhood.
6) Wren studied architecture at Grasham College.
7) Wren prepared designs for restoring the St.Paul’s.
8) Wren’s first scheme was too advanced to meet with approval.
9) Christopher Wren presented English Rococo.
6.3.2 Complete the following sentences:
1) At the early stage of his creative activity Jones worked in … style.
a) gothic
b) neo-classic
c) rococo
2) Inigo Jones was heavily influenced by … architects.
a) Italian
b) Greek
c) Scandinavian
3) Wren's creative activity began in the … .
a) first half of the 18
b) second half of the 17
c) first half of the 17
4) At the age of 25 Wren was appointed … .
a) assistant to the Surveyor General
b) Surveyor General
        Architecture, first and last and all the time, is proportion. Wren’s proportions –
in his columns, his moldings, his decorations – all have delicacy. They are well-bred,
well-mannered and discreet. His dome when he built it, was the thitd largest in the
world. Yet such was Wren’s genius that he managed to give it an air of modesty.
Wren’s greatest achievement, St.Paul’s Cathedral, London ( 1675 – 1711 ), owes
much to French and Italian examples of the Baroque period; but the plan shows a
remarkable adaptation of the traditional English cathedral plan to Baroque spatial uses.
        Wren is also notable for his design of about 50 city buildings, marvelous for
their beauty; Greenwich Observatory; Hampton Court Palace; Greenwich Hospital;
Kensington Palace – the Grangery; Windsor Town Hall and others.
        Wren died in 1723. He lies buried in St.Paul’s. His tomb is aplain slab of stone
on which is written: “If you seek his monument, look around you”.

        6.3 Exercises to the text

        6.3.1 Find the false sentences using information from the text. Correct the
false sentences:

1)   Jones’ early years are associated with gothic buildings.
2)   Jones’ first authentic building was Queen’s Chapel in London.
3)   Jones greatly influenced the development of the English architecture.
4)   Christopher Wren lived and worked in the 16th century.
5)   Wren’s genius was obvious even in childhood.
6)   Wren studied architecture at Grasham College.
7)   Wren prepared designs for restoring the St.Paul’s.
8)   Wren’s first scheme was too advanced to meet with approval.
9) Christopher Wren presented English Rococo.

    6.3.2 Complete the following sentences:

    1) At the early stage of his creative activity Jones worked in … style.
         a) gothic
         b) neo-classic
         c) rococo
2) Inigo Jones was heavily influenced by … architects.
        a) Italian
        b) Greek
        c) Scandinavian
3) Wren's creative activity began in the … .
        a) first half of the 18th century
        b) second half of the 17th century
        c) first half of the 17th century
4) At the age of 25 Wren was appointed … .
        a) assistant to the Surveyor General
        b) Surveyor General