Учебные задания для развития умений аудирования на базе аудиотекстов "Streamline English"для студентов I и II курса всех специальностей (часть V). Абармитова Б.В - 20 стр.


- The ghost, of course. I’ll tell you about it: I’ve been working in the
forest all day and I was really tired so I went to bed early.
- Have you had anything to drink?
- No, no.
- Well. Go on, what happened?
- I’ve been in bed for two or three hours.
- How do you know that it was a few hours?
- There is an old grandfather’s clock in the bedroom. You’ll see it
when we go upstairs. Anyway, the man was standing beside it.
- What man?
- The ghost, of course.
- What did you do?
- Nothing
- What did you say?
- Nothing. He just stared at me.
- How did it get into the room? Had you looked the door?
- Yes, I had and the window. It was a cold foggy night.
- Was there a fire-place?
- Yes, but it was too small for a man to get there.
- Anything there’d been a fire.
- What did you do?
- I sat up and stared back at him. I was too shocked to move.
- What happened? What happened?
- Well. I don’t know how long we’d been staring at each other when
suddenly I panicked and shouted and he disappeared.
- I don’t believe it.
- I didn’t believe it myself at the time. But when I told some people
in the village they believed me. Some of them had seen the ghost
themselves. They could even describe him. If you ask them they
will tell you.
- Edgar! Put some more wood in the fire. I’m going to sleep
downstairs tonight.
Unit 63. Buying a Present.
- Have you got Disco King, please?
- Who is it by?
- “Soul Sensation”. It’s the latest single. It’s just entered the chart.
It’s number nine this week.
- Hold on! I’ll just look. Here you are.
- Oh, thanks and have you got the new LP by the Rattles?
- What? Teenage revolution. Oh, yes. We’ve got that.
It’s a fantastic album. You’ll love it.
- Oh, it’s not for me, it’s for my grandmother. It’s a birthday present.
- I’m trying to find a Christmas present for my wife.
- Yes. Sir. What exactly are you looking for?
- I’m not sure, really. Perhaps, you can help me.
- Right, I’ll show you some bracelets.
- No, I bought a bracelet for our wedding anniversary.
- May be a ring then? These rings are made of gold.
- Yes, I like that one. What’s the stone?
- It’s a diamond, sir. And it’s only two thousand pounds.
- Ah, well… Perhaps you could show me some earrings then.
- Good morning! Perhaps you can advise me.
- Yes, madam.
- I’m here looking for a toy for my nephew.
- Oh, yes. How old is he?
- He’ll be nine years old on Saturday.
- Skateboard is still very popular.
- Hm-m-m. I don’t want him to hurt himself.
- What about a drum set?
-   The ghost, of course. I’ll tell you about it: I’ve been working in the                         Unit 63. Buying a Present.
    forest all day and I was really tired so I went to bed early.
-   Have you had anything to drink?                                                                               (1)
-   No, no.                                                                  -   Have you got Disco King, please?
-   Well. Go on, what happened?                                              -   Who is it by?
-   I’ve been in bed for two or three hours.                                 -   “Soul Sensation”. It’s the latest single. It’s just entered the chart.
-   How do you know that it was a few hours?                                     It’s number nine this week.
-   There is an old grandfather’s clock in the bedroom. You’ll see it        -   Hold on! I’ll just look. Here you are.
    when we go upstairs. Anyway, the man was standing beside it.             -   Oh, thanks and have you got the new LP by the Rattles?
-   What man?                                                                -   What? Teenage revolution. Oh, yes. We’ve got that.
-   The ghost, of course.                                                         It’s a fantastic album. You’ll love it.
-   What did you do?                                                         -   Oh, it’s not for me, it’s for my grandmother. It’s a birthday present.
-   Nothing
-   What did you say?                                                                                            (2)
-   Nothing. He just stared at me.                                           -   I’m trying to find a Christmas present for my wife.
-   How did it get into the room? Had you looked the door?                   -   Yes. Sir. What exactly are you looking for?
-   Yes, I had and the window. It was a cold foggy night.                    -   I’m not sure, really. Perhaps, you can help me.
-   Was there a fire-place?                                                  -   Right, I’ll show you some bracelets.
-   Yes, but it was too small for a man to get there.                        -   No, I bought a bracelet for our wedding anniversary.
-   Anything there’d been a fire.                                            -   May be a ring then? These rings are made of gold.
-   What did you do?                                                         -   Yes, I like that one. What’s the stone?
-   I sat up and stared back at him. I was too shocked to move.              -   It’s a diamond, sir. And it’s only two thousand pounds.
-   What happened? What happened?                                            -   Ah, well… Perhaps you could show me some earrings then.
-   Well. I don’t know how long we’d been staring at each other when
    suddenly I panicked and shouted and he disappeared.                                                          (3)
-   I don’t believe it.                                                      -   Good morning! Perhaps you can advise me.
-   I didn’t believe it myself at the time. But when I told some people      -   Yes, madam.
    in the village they believed me. Some of them had seen the ghost         -   I’m here looking for a toy for my nephew.
    themselves. They could even describe him. If you ask them they           -   Oh, yes. How old is he?
    will tell you.                                                           -   He’ll be nine years old on Saturday.
-   Edgar! Put some more wood in the fire. I’m going to sleep                -   Skateboard is still very popular.
    downstairs tonight.                                                      -   Hm-m-m. I don’t want him to hurt himself.
                                                                             -   What about a drum set?