Учебные задания для развития умений аудирования на базе аудиотекстов "Streamline English"для студентов I и II курса всех специальностей (часть V). Абармитова Б.В - 21 стр.


- I don’t think so. His father will be angry if I buy him one of those.
Have you got anything educational? You see, he is a very intelligent
- I’ve got a perfect thing; Do-it-yourself computer kit
Unit 64. Made in England.
- I like your radio. Is it new?
- Yes. I bought it last week. It’s a bisonic.
- Bisonic? I’ve never heard of it. Where was it made?
- I’m not sure. I think it was made in Japan. Have a look. No, I am
wrong, it was made in England.
Unit 65. A Real Bargain.
Mr. Palmer is looking for a new house. He is tired of living in a city
and he wants to live in a quiet village. He is with the estate agent now.
- Well, Mr. Palmer. This is the semi-detached house that I told you
about. Number 26, Richmond Road. The owners are away but I’ve
got a key.
- Hm-m-m. When was it built?
- It was built in 1928.
- Who built it?
- I’m not really sure. Is it really important?
- No, not really. Is that a new roof? It looks new.
- It is nearly new. It was put on last year.
(After some time)
- You can see that it’s in a very good condition. The previous owner
was a builder.
- It’s quite an old house. I’m worried about the electrical wiring.
Has it been rewired?
- Yes, it has.
- Oh, when was it done?
- … Five years ago. Also it’s been redecorated. Central heating has
been put in. And a new garage has been built.
- Oh! When was that done?
- Last year. I think…
(After some time)
- It’s a very solid house! It is built of brick with a tiled roof.
- It’s a long way from a big town. What are the services like?
- Oh, hold on. I’ve got the details here. Ah, yes. Let me see. The dust
bins are emptied every Thursday.
- It’s important for me to see the post before I go to work. When is it
- Ah, it’s usually delivered at about seven thirty. The milk is
delivered about six o’clock. So you’ll have fresh milk for breakfast.
(After some time)
- It’s certainly very cheap. I’ve seen a lot of similar houses and they
are more expensive.
- Ah, yes. It’s a real bargain.
- Are there any plans for the area.
- Pardon…. Plans? Well, a new school is going to be built in the
village next year.
- Anything else?
- And a new road, by the way, actually will be built next year too.
You’ll be able to get to London easily.
- Where exactly will the motor way be built?
- Well, actually, it will be built behind the house. A bridge will be
constructed over the house. It’ll be interesting and you’ll be able to
watch the traffic.
Unit 66. The 8 o’clock News.
Good evening and here is the 8 o’clock News.
Robert Gibbs, the great plane robber has been caught in Monteena. He
was arrested in a Vanadello night club. He is being questioned at police
-   I don’t think so. His father will be angry if I buy him one of those.   -   … Five years ago. Also it’s been redecorated. Central heating has
    Have you got anything educational? You see, he is a very intelligent        been put in. And a new garage has been built.
    boy.                                                                    -   Oh! When was that done?
-   I’ve got a perfect thing; Do-it-yourself computer kit                   -   Last year. I think…
                                                                                               (After some time)
                      Unit 64. Made in England.                             -   It’s a very solid house! It is built of brick with a tiled roof.
                                                                            -   It’s a long way from a big town. What are the services like?
-   I like your radio. Is it new?                                           -   Oh, hold on. I’ve got the details here. Ah, yes. Let me see. The dust
-   Yes. I bought it last week. It’s a bisonic.                                 bins are emptied every Thursday.
-   Bisonic? I’ve never heard of it. Where was it made?                     -   It’s important for me to see the post before I go to work. When is it
-   I’m not sure. I think it was made in Japan. Have a look. No, I am           delivered.
    wrong, it was made in England.                                          -   Ah, it’s usually delivered at about seven thirty. The milk is
                                                                                delivered about six o’clock. So you’ll have fresh milk for breakfast.
                       Unit 65. A Real Bargain.                                                   (After some time)
                                                                            -   It’s certainly very cheap. I’ve seen a lot of similar houses and they
Mr. Palmer is looking for a new house. He is tired of living in a city          are more expensive.
and he wants to live in a quiet village. He is with the estate agent now.   -   Ah, yes. It’s a real bargain.
- Well, Mr. Palmer. This is the semi-detached house that I told you         -   Are there any plans for the area.
   about. Number 26, Richmond Road. The owners are away but I’ve            -   Pardon…. Plans? Well, a new school is going to be built in the
   got a key.                                                                   village next year.
- Hm-m-m. When was it built?                                                -   Anything else?
- It was built in 1928.                                                     -   And a new road, by the way, actually will be built next year too.
- Who built it?                                                                 You’ll be able to get to London easily.
- I’m not really sure. Is it really important?                              -   Where exactly will the motor way be built?
- No, not really. Is that a new roof? It looks new.                         -   Well, actually, it will be built behind the house. A bridge will be
- It is nearly new. It was put on last year.                                    constructed over the house. It’ll be interesting and you’ll be able to
          (After some time)                                                     watch the traffic.
- You can see that it’s in a very good condition. The previous owner
   was a builder.                                                                                Unit 66. The 8 o’clock News.
- It’s quite an old house. I’m worried about the electrical wiring.
   Has it been rewired?                                                                                       -1-
- Yes, it has.                                                              Good evening and here is the 8 o’clock News.
- Oh, when was it done?                                                     Robert Gibbs, the great plane robber has been caught in Monteena. He
                                                                            was arrested in a Vanadello night club. He is being questioned at police