2. Whom did the woman make an appointment with?
a) a bank manager c) an estate agent
b) a lawyer d) the seller(s) of the house
3. What made her get angry?
a) Another driver shouted at her, as she had parked her car in his
b) Another driver had taken her parking space
c) She had to park her car in a bad place because there were no
other parking spaces
d) She shouted at the other driver, as he had scratched her car
4. Which of the statements is true?
a) The man who’d occupied her parking space was the manager.
b) The driver who had shouted at her was the manager
c) The driver whom she had shouted at was the manager
d) The woman who had driven into her space was the manager
VI. Tell about the most embarrassing experience you (your parents,
friends …) have had. Start with “Once, when…”
Unit 62. A ghost story
(a ghost [goust] – приведение)
I. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen a ghost?
Or have you heard any ghost stories from your friends?
Do ghost stories make you feel scared?
II. See if you know these words
to borrow - брать взаймы
to frighten smb – [frait n] напугать кого-л.
to stare at smb – пристально смотреть на кого-либо
III. You will hear two young people talking about ghosts. Listen and
choose the best answers to the given questions
1) Why did Edgar tell Katherine a ghost story?
a) He wanted to play a trick on her
b) He wanted to frighten her
c) He wanted her to know about the ghost and to be afraid of it
d) He was frightened himself and didn’t want to sleep upstairs
2) What did Edgar tell her about?
a) He saw a ghost in the bedroom once
b) His uncle saw a ghost upstairs once
c) He saw a ghost upstairs when he was a child
d) He saw a ghost outside the house once
3) Which of the statements is not true? (due to Edgar’s story)
a) The ghost had a white sheet over its head
b) It was wearing clothes of Victorian style.
c) It was sitting on his bed
d) It got into the room from nowhere
e) It neither moved nor said a word
4) How does his story end?
a) He panicked, shouted and ran away
b) He talked to the ghost and it flew away
c) The ghost disappeared when he turned, the light on
d) He got frightened, shouted and the ghost disappeared
5) What did Katherine decide to do?
a) to leave the house immediately
b) to sleep upstairs, in the bedroom
c) not to sleep at all
2. Whom did the woman make an appointment with? a) a bank manager c) an estate agent III. You will hear two young people talking about ghosts. Listen and b) a lawyer d) the seller(s) of the house choose the best answers to the given questions 3. What made her get angry? 1) Why did Edgar tell Katherine a ghost story? a) Another driver shouted at her, as she had parked her car in his a) He wanted to play a trick on her space b) He wanted to frighten her b) Another driver had taken her parking space c) He wanted her to know about the ghost and to be afraid of it c) She had to park her car in a bad place because there were no d) He was frightened himself and didn’t want to sleep upstairs other parking spaces d) She shouted at the other driver, as he had scratched her car 2) What did Edgar tell her about? a) He saw a ghost in the bedroom once 4. Which of the statements is true? b) His uncle saw a ghost upstairs once a) The man who’d occupied her parking space was the manager. c) He saw a ghost upstairs when he was a child b) The driver who had shouted at her was the manager d) He saw a ghost outside the house once c) The driver whom she had shouted at was the manager d) The woman who had driven into her space was the manager 3) Which of the statements is not true? (due to Edgar’s story) a) The ghost had a white sheet over its head VI. Tell about the most embarrassing experience you (your parents, b) It was wearing clothes of Victorian style. friends …) have had. Start with “Once, when…” c) It was sitting on his bed d) It got into the room from nowhere e) It neither moved nor said a word Unit 62. A ghost story (a ghost [goust] – приведение) 4) How does his story end? a) He panicked, shouted and ran away I. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen a ghost? b) He talked to the ghost and it flew away Or have you heard any ghost stories from your friends? c) The ghost disappeared when he turned, the light on Do ghost stories make you feel scared? d) He got frightened, shouted and the ghost disappeared II. See if you know these words 5) What did Katherine decide to do? to borrow - брать взаймы a) to leave the house immediately to frighten smb – [frait n] напугать кого-л. b) to sleep upstairs, in the bedroom to stare at smb – пристально смотреть на кого-либо c) not to sleep at all