Banks and Money, Automobiles and Roads, Industry in Africa, Two Courses of Action. Агафонова И.Г. - 9 стр.



VI. Translate Text 2 into Russian (in writing).
VII. Translate the Russian version of Text 2 into English (orally).
VIII. Make up meaningful phrases with the following:
1. Japan, to enter, the automobile age; 2. the first car, to be brought from abroad;
3. a Japanese firm, to assemble a 12 p.h. car; 4. it, to take another five years, the first
all-Japanese car; 5. an earthquake, to hit Tokyo; 6. it, to destroy; 7. there + to be, an
acute need; 8. the government, to take over; 9. the government, to orient, the manu-
facture; 10. the motor industry, to be non-existent; 11. acute shortages, to lead, a ban
on the manufacture; 12. the restrictions, not to be lifted; 13. the Japanese engineering
industry, to absorb, military orders; 14. their output, to reach; 15. Japan, to export
cars; 16. Western Europe, to buy; 17. exports, to amount to; 18. five Japanese firms,
to be on the list, producers; 19. Japanese motor miracle, to have; 20. the situation,
to favour; 21. there + to be, cuts, oil supplies; 22. they, to force manufacturers, un-
economical cars, to adjust; 23. the Japanese, to offer, a whole range; 24. the domestic
market, not to be just saturated, to be oversaturated.
IX. Complete the following questions:
1. When did Japan enter ………….……….. . ? 2. What car did a Japanese
firm assemble in ……..……………..? 3. How many years did it take for the first
all-Japanese car …………….. ....? 4. What ban did acute shortages of fuel and
raw materials ……………...? 5. How many Japanese cars did Western
Europe ………………..? 6. Whose motor miracle has its ……………..?
7. When were there cuts in …………..? 8. What did they force the manufactur-
ers of uneconomical cars ……………….. ..? 9. A whole range of what cars did
the Japanese ……………………..? 10. What market was not just saturated but
………….. ?
X. Replace the Russian words and expressions with their English equivalents.
1. Japan entered the automobile (период) only 40 years ago. 2. The first car was
brought from abroad as a present to (император). 3. In 1902 a Japanese firm assem-
bled a 12 p.h. car from imported (детали). 4. In 1923 an earthquake (поражать) To-
kyo and dozens of other big cities. 5. There was (острая потребность) for buses and
VI.   Translate Text 2 into Russian (in writing).
VII. Translate the Russian version of Text 2 into English (orally).
VIII. Make up meaningful phrases with the following:
1.    Japan, to enter, the automobile age; 2. the first car, to be brought from abroad;
3. a Japanese firm, to assemble a 12 p.h. car; 4. it, to take another five years, the first
all-Japanese car; 5. an earthquake, to hit Tokyo; 6. it, to destroy; 7. there + to be, an
acute need; 8. the government, to take over; 9. the government, to orient, the manu-
facture; 10. the motor industry, to be non-existent; 11. acute shortages, to lead, a ban
on the manufacture; 12. the restrictions, not to be lifted; 13. the Japanese engineering
industry, to absorb, military orders; 14. their output, to reach; 15. Japan, to export
cars; 16. Western Europe, to buy; 17. exports, to amount to; 18. five Japanese firms,
to be on the list, producers; 19. Japanese “motor miracle”, to have; 20. the situation,
to favour; 21. there + to be, cuts, oil supplies; 22. they, to force manufacturers, un-
economical cars, to adjust; 23. the Japanese, to offer, a whole range; 24. the domestic
market, not to be just saturated, to be oversaturated.
IX.   Complete the following questions:
1.    When did Japan enter ………….…………..…. ? 2. What car did a Japanese
firm assemble in ………..………………..? 3. How many years did it take for the first
all-Japanese car …………………..…....? 4. What ban did acute shortages of fuel and
raw materials ………………….…..? 5. How many Japanese cars did Western
Europe ………………..? 6. Whose “motor miracle” has its ………………………..?
7. When were there cuts in ………………..? 8. What did they force the manufactur-
ers of uneconomical cars …………………..…..? 9. A whole range of what cars did
the Japanese ………………………..? 10. What market was not just saturated but
X.    Replace the Russian words and expressions with their English equivalents.
1.    Japan entered the automobile (период) only 40 years ago. 2. The first car was
brought from abroad as a present to (император). 3. In 1902 a Japanese firm assem-
bled a 12 p.h. car from imported (детали). 4. In 1923 an earthquake (поражать) To-
kyo and dozens of other big cities. 5. There was (острая потребность) for buses and