Методические указания по теме "Моя специальность" для студентов 2 курса архитектурно-строительного факультета. Анашкина Л.А - 21 стр.


11 The social functions were concentrated in a square.
12 The square was dominated variously by a church, a town hall, and later by a
market hall.
3.2.4 Используя упражнения 4 и 6, дайте краткую характеристику
средневекового города и города эпохи Возрождения (на русском языке).
3.2.5 Заполните пропуски требуемой формой глагола страдательного
(пассивного) или действительного (активного) залога.
1 Someone must ......... (plan, be planned) where streets are to ......... (run, be run),
parks are to .........(lay out, be laid out), and industrial facilities are to .........
(furnish, be furnished).
2 The medieval city ......... (designed, was designed) for pedestrians.
3 Down to our days these cores ......... (have continued, have been continued) to
have a powerful influence on new plans.
4 The social functions of the medieval town ......... (concentrated, were
concentrated) in a square.
5 Certain urban lay-outs which ......... (have repeated, have been repeated)
automatically ......... (still look upon, are still looked upon) as standard forms.
6 Where the topography ......... (supplies, is supplied) differences of level, the
architecture enhances the vertical dimension.
7 The necessity for protection ......... (dictated, was dictated) the use of a defensive
site on hillside.
8 The Baroque city ......... (formulated, was formulated) in the seventeenth century.
9 The city ......... (organizes, is organized) for show.
10 Where verticality is absent, the architecture ......... (makes up, is made up) for it.
11 The typical Baroque form might ......... (call, be called) the parade city.
12 The old medieval market square ......... (transforms, is transformed) into a traffic
13 The baroque plan ......... (left, was left) a deep imprint on later generations.
3.2.6 Переведите отмеченные в тексте "ing-forms", обращая внимание на
их роль в предложении. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся.
3.2.7 Сверяясь с текстом, подберите из правого столбца нужное значение
для выделенных слов в данных английских сочетаниях.
... in another sense the community ...(1)
... down to our days ...
... except by erecting ...(3)
... is no longer the church ... (4)
... whatever is visible ...(4)
... in contrast with ... (4)
... unlike the medieval ...(5)
кроме как
все, что
в известном смысле
вплоть до
в отличие от
больше не
11 The social functions were concentrated in a square.
12 The square was dominated variously by a church, a town hall, and later by a
   market hall.

   3.2.4 Используя упражнения 4 и 6, дайте краткую характеристику
средневекового города и города эпохи Возрождения (на русском языке).

   3.2.5 Заполните пропуски требуемой формой глагола страдательного
(пассивного) или действительного (активного) залога.

1 Someone must ......... (plan, be planned) where streets are to ......... (run, be run),
   parks are to .........(lay out, be laid out), and industrial facilities are to .........
   (furnish, be furnished).
2 The medieval city ......... (designed, was designed) for pedestrians.
3 Down to our days these cores ......... (have continued, have been continued) to
   have a powerful influence on new plans.
4 The social functions of the medieval town ......... (concentrated, were
   concentrated) in a square.
5 Certain urban lay-outs which ......... (have repeated, have been repeated)
   automatically ......... (still look upon, are still looked upon) as standard forms.
6 Where the topography ......... (supplies, is supplied) differences of level, the
   architecture enhances the vertical dimension.
7 The necessity for protection ......... (dictated, was dictated) the use of a defensive
   site on hillside.
8 The Baroque city ......... (formulated, was formulated) in the seventeenth century.
9 The city ......... (organizes, is organized) for show.
10 Where verticality is absent, the architecture ......... (makes up, is made up) for it.
11 The typical Baroque form might ......... (call, be called) the parade city.
12 The old medieval market square ......... (transforms, is transformed) into a traffic
13 The baroque plan ......... (left, was left) a deep imprint on later generations.

   3.2.6 Переведите отмеченные в тексте "ing-forms", обращая внимание на
их роль в предложении. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся.

  3.2.7 Сверяясь с текстом, подберите из правого столбца нужное значение
для выделенных слов в данных английских сочетаниях.

... in another sense the community ...(1)     кроме как
... down to our days ...                      все, что
... except by erecting ...(3)                 в известном смысле
... is no longer the church ... (4)           вплоть до
... whatever is visible ...(4)                в отличие от
... in contrast with ... (4)                  больше не
... unlike the medieval ...(5)