История письма и чтения. Асафова Г.К. - 10 стр.



It is for these reasons that writing is said to be a system for transcribing
language, not for representing thought directly. Thus writing can be defined
formally as a notational system for representing some level or levels of linguistic
Similarly, it was once generally held that all writing systems represent some
stage in a progression toward the ideal writing system, the alphabet. The accepted
view today is that all writing systems represent relatively optimal solutions to a
large and unique set of constraints, including the structure of the language
represented, the functions that the system serves, and the balance of advantages to
the reader as opposed to the writer. Consequently, while there are important
differences between speaking and writing and between various forms of writing,
these differences vary in importance and in effect from language to language and
from society to society.
Albeit adv.
Хотя и
Assign v.
Возлагать, приписывать
Assume v.
Boundary n.
Граница, рубеж
Clause n.
Предложение (в грам.)
Consequently adv.
Следовательно, значит
Constraint n.
Принуждение, ограничение
Conventional adj.
Convey v.
Discourse n.
Речь, рассуждение
Distinctness n.
“Environmental” literacy
«Стихийная» грамотность
Evolve v.
Explicit adj.
Ясный, точный, четкий