Введение в геометрическую теорию функций. Авхадиев Ф.Г. - 126 стр.



126 Литература
[12] Г. Г. Тумашев, М. Т. Нужин. Обратные краевые задачи. Казань: Изд-во
Казанск. ун-та. 1965, 333 стр.
[13] Г. Г. Харди, Дж. Е. Литтльвуд и Г. Полиа. Неравенства. дополнени-
ями В. И. Левина и С. Б. Стечкина.) М.: ИЛ, 1948, 456 стр.
[14] D. A. Abramov, F. G. Avkhadiev, D. Kh. Giniyatova. Versions of the
Schwarz lemma for domain moments and the torsional rigidity. Lobachevskii
J. Math., 2011, 32, no. 2, 149 158.
[15] A. Ancona. On strong barriers and an inequality of Hardy for domains in
. J. London Math. Soc., 1986, (2) 37, 274 290.
[16] F. G. Avkhadiev. Hardy type inequalities in higher dimensions with explicit
estimate of constants. Lobachevskii J. Math., 2006, 21, 3 31.
[17] F. G. Avkhadiev, I. R. Kayumov. Comparison theorem of isoperimetric type
for moments of compact sets. Collectanea Math., 2004, 55 No.1, 1 9.
[18] F. G. Avkhadiev, R. G. Salahudinov. Isoperimetric Inequalities for
Conformal Moments of Plane Domains. J. of Inequal. Appl., 2002, 7(4),
593 601.
[19] F. G. Avkhadiev, K.-J. Wirths. The conformal radius as a function and its
gradient image. Israel J. Math., 2005, 145, 349 374.
[20] F. G. Avkhadiev, K.-J. Wirths. Schwarz-Pick Type Inequalities. Basel -
Boston - Berlin: Birkh¨auser Verlag, 2009, 156 pp.
[21] C. Bandle. Isoperimetric Inequalities and Applications. Pitman Monographs
and Studies in Mathematics, v. 7, Boston, 1980, 228 pp.
[22] A. E. Beardon, Ch. Pommerenke. The Poincar´e metric of plane domains. J.
London Math. Soc., 1978, (2) 18, 475 483.
[23] E. B. Davies A Review of Hardy Inequalities. The Maz’ya anniversary
Collection. Vol. 2. Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 1999, Vol. 110, 55 67.
[24] P. L. Duren Univalent functions. Springer, New York, 1980, 382 pp.
[25] J. B. Garnett, D. E. Marshall. Harmonic Measure, Cambridge Univ. Press,
Cambridge, 2005, 588 pp.
[26] J. L. Fern´andez. Domains with Strong Barrier. Revista Matematica
Iberoamericana, 1989, 5, 47 65.
126                                                                Литература

[12] Г. Г. Тумашев, М. Т. Нужин. Обратные краевые задачи. Казань: Изд-во
     Казанск. ун-та. 1965, 333 стр.

[13] Г. Г. Харди, Дж. Е. Литтльвуд и Г. Полиа. Неравенства. (С дополнени-
     ями В. И. Левина и С. Б. Стечкина.) М.: ИЛ, 1948, 456 стр.

[14] D. A. Abramov, F. G. Avkhadiev, D. Kh. Giniyatova. Versions of the
     Schwarz lemma for domain moments and the torsional rigidity. Lobachevskii
     J. Math., 2011, 32, no. 2, 149 – 158.

[15] A. Ancona. On strong barriers and an inequality of Hardy for domains in
     Rn . J. London Math. Soc., 1986, (2) 37, 274 – 290.

[16] F. G. Avkhadiev. Hardy type inequalities in higher dimensions with explicit
     estimate of constants. Lobachevskii J. Math., 2006, 21, 3 – 31.

[17] F. G. Avkhadiev, I. R. Kayumov. Comparison theorem of isoperimetric type
     for moments of compact sets. Collectanea Math., 2004, 55 No.1, 1 – 9.

[18] F. G. Avkhadiev, R. G. Salahudinov. Isoperimetric Inequalities for
     Conformal Moments of Plane Domains. J. of Inequal. Appl., 2002, 7(4),
     593 – 601.

[19] F. G. Avkhadiev, K.-J. Wirths. The conformal radius as a function and its
     gradient image. Israel J. Math., 2005, 145, 349 – 374.

[20] F. G. Avkhadiev, K.-J. Wirths. Schwarz-Pick Type Inequalities. Basel -
     Boston - Berlin: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2009, 156 pp.

[21] C. Bandle. Isoperimetric Inequalities and Applications. Pitman Monographs
     and Studies in Mathematics, v. 7, Boston, 1980, 228 pp.

[22] A. E. Beardon, Ch. Pommerenke. The Poincaré metric of plane domains. J.
     London Math. Soc., 1978, (2) 18, 475 – 483.

[23] E. B. Davies A Review of Hardy Inequalities. The Maz’ya anniversary
     Collection. Vol. 2. Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 1999, Vol. 110, 55 – 67.

[24] P. L. Duren Univalent functions. Springer, New York, 1980, 382 pp.

[25] J. B. Garnett, D. E. Marshall. Harmonic Measure, Cambridge Univ. Press,
     Cambridge, 2005, 588 pp.

[26] J. L. Fernández. Domains with Strong Barrier. Revista Matematica
     Iberoamericana, 1989, 5, 47 – 65.