Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский. Базарова Б.Б - 79 стр.


The esthetic, phonetic, and functional demands are maintained during the fabrication of the
prosthesis without any detrimental effect on the patient's self-image. The use of an interim denture may
serve as a learning period for the patient.
For many people, the loss of natural teeth is a sign of aging and
therefore is not psychologically acceptable. However, even in young patients, the oral environment sometimes
deteriorates to a point where the remaining teeth must be removed. Physiologic and mental adjustments to
edentulous conditions can often be eased by the immediate replacement of missing natural teeth.
Another practical advantage of the interim denture technique is that these dentures can be used as
a second or spare prosthesis. After the definitive dentures are inserted and the patient is comfortable, the
interim dentures can be relined and safely stored.
One of the potential problems with this technique is the weight of the existing fixed partial denture
and the effect it might have on retention of the maxillary denture, although we have not found it to
have an effect. Another disadvantage is that the patient loses the ability to test a set of denture teeth in
the interim denture before teeth are selected for the definitive prosthesis.
1. Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, ed. 6. J Prosthet Dent 1994:79.
2. Apptebaum MB. The practical dynamics of the interim denture concept: A comparison
with the conventional immediate denture technique. J Am Dent Assoc 1983;106:826-830.
3. Rayson JH, Wesley R.C. An intermediate denture technique. J Prosthet Dent 1970;23:456-463.
4. Heartwell CM. Salisbury FW. Immediate complete dentures. An evaluation. J Prosthet Dent
5. Boucher CO (ed). Swenson's Complete Dentures: Indications, Advantages, and Disadvantages,
ed. St Louis: 1970:405-408.
      The esthetic, phonetic, and functional demands are maintained during the fabrication of the
prosthesis without any detrimental effect on the patient's self-image. The use of an interim denture may
serve as a learning period for the patient.6 For many people, the loss of natural teeth is a sign of aging and
therefore is not psychologically acceptable. However, even in young patients, the oral environment sometimes
deteriorates to a point where the remaining teeth must be removed. Physiologic and mental adjustments to
edentulous conditions can often be eased by the immediate replacement of missing natural teeth.3
      Another practical advantage of the interim denture technique is that these dentures can be used as
a second or spare prosthesis. After the definitive dentures are inserted and the patient is comfortable, the
interim dentures can be relined and safely stored.
      One of the potential problems with this technique is the weight of the existing fixed partial denture
and the effect it might have on retention of the maxillary denture, although we have not found it to
have an effect. Another disadvantage is that the patient loses the ability to test a set of denture teeth in
the interim denture before teeth are selected for the definitive prosthesis.
      1.       Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, ed. 6. J Prosthet Dent 1994:79.
      2.       Apptebaum MB. The practical dynamics of the interim denture concept: A comparison
with the conventional immediate denture technique. J Am Dent Assoc 1983;106:826-830.
      3. Rayson JH, Wesley R.C. An intermediate denture technique. J Prosthet Dent 1970;23:456-463.
      4. Heartwell CM. Salisbury FW. Immediate complete dentures. An evaluation. J Prosthet Dent
      5. Boucher CO (ed). Swenson's Complete Dentures: Indications, Advantages, and Disadvantages,
           ed. St Louis: 1970:405-408.
