Волокна и ткани в текстильной промышленности. Биева Е.Г. - 12 стр.



Cotton has an excellent resistance to degradation by heat. It begins to turn yellow after
several hours at 120 ºC and decompose markedly* at 150 ºC as a result of oxidation. Cotton
burns readily in air.
Cotton shows only a small loss of strength when stored carefully. Ancient samples of
cotton fabric taken from the tombs more then 500 years old had 4/5 of strength of new material.
There is a gradual loss of strength when cotton is exposed to sunlight, and the fibre turns
yellow. Much of the damage is caused* by ultra-violet light and by the shorter waves of visible
light. The cotton can be protected by using suitable dyes.
seen at high magnification - видимая при большом увеличении
under which it is produced - при которых он выращивается
a buff colour - цвет буйволовой кожи, темно-желтый
results in - приводит к
markedly - заметно
is caused - обусловлено
Запомните следующие слова
property; surface ; purpose, luster, smooth, to contain, colour, elastic (inelastic), per cent, to
result in, to increase, strength, strong, to turn, to loose (lost, lost), loss, fabric, to take ( took,
taken), light, to use, suitable, to begin (began,
I. Подберите в списках “a” ибслова с противоположным смыслом
а) wrinkled b) short
to lighten dry
elastic to darken
to result in smooth
increase rigid
saturated with water to cause
ancient decrease
long unvisible
visible new
        Cotton has an excellent resistance to degradation by heat. It begins to turn yellow after
 several hours at 120 ºC and decompose markedly* at 150 ºC as a result of oxidation. Cotton
 burns readily in air.
        Cotton shows only a small loss of strength when stored carefully. Ancient samples of
 cotton fabric taken from the tombs more then 500 years old had 4/5 of strength of new material.
        There is a gradual loss of strength when cotton is exposed to sunlight, and the fibre turns
 yellow. Much of the damage is caused* by ultra-violet light and by the shorter waves of visible
 light. The cotton can be protected by using suitable dyes.


 seen at high magnification - видимая при большом увеличении
 under which it is produced - при которых он выращивается
 a buff colour    - цвет буйволовой кожи, темно-желтый
 results in       - приводит к
 markedly          - заметно
 is caused        - обусловлено

 Запомните следующие слова

 property; surface ; purpose, luster, smooth, to contain, colour, elastic (inelastic), per cent, to
 result in, to increase, strength, strong, to turn, to loose (lost, lost), loss, fabric, to take ( took,
 taken), light, to use, suitable, to begin (began,

 I. Подберите в списках “a” и “б” слова с противоположным смыслом

а) wrinkled                                b) short
  to lighten                                  dry
  elastic                                     to darken
  to result in                                smooth
  increase                                    rigid
  saturated with water                         to cause
  ancient                                     decrease
  long                                        unvisible
  visible                                     new