Волокна и ткани в текстильной промышленности. Биева Е.Г. - 32 стр.



Silk culture had its beginning in China. How long ago no one knows. There are records
that seem to show that it was an important industry as early as 3000 years before our era.
Silk production was introduced into Korea and Japan about 200 years before our era. As
time went on it spread to India and Persia, although the Chinese government tried to keep all
silk production to itself.
It meant punishment to ship silkworm eggs out of the country, the cultivation of silk
remained a secret with the Chinese for about 3000 years. It was two thousand years before the
Chinese let anyone else know how it was done. The secret was finally shared with Japan, Korea
and Persia.
One legend says that silk was taken into Japan by two monks. These men used hollow
bamboo canes to hide and to carry silkworm eggs in.
Hence the second legend says as if silk was brought into Persia by a Chinese princess.
This princess was to marry a Persian prince. She took all her jewels and all her riches to her
new homeland and knowing the importance of silk culture she decided to take some of the
silkworm eggs to her new homeland as well.
                             THE HISTORY OF SILK

       Silk culture had its beginning in China. How long ago no one knows. There are records
that seem to show that it was an important industry as early as 3000 years before our era.
       Silk production was introduced into Korea and Japan about 200 years before our era. As
time went on it spread to India and Persia, although the Chinese government tried to keep all
silk production to itself.
       It meant punishment to ship silkworm eggs out of the country, the cultivation of silk
remained a secret with the Chinese for about 3000 years. It was two thousand years before the
Chinese let anyone else know how it was done. The secret was finally shared with Japan, Korea
and Persia.
       One legend says that silk was taken into Japan by two monks. These men used hollow
bamboo canes to hide and to carry silkworm eggs in.
       Hence the second legend says as if silk was brought into Persia by a Chinese princess.
This princess was to marry a Persian prince. She took all her jewels and all her riches to her
new homeland and knowing the importance of silk culture she decided to take some of the
silkworm eggs to her new homeland as well.