Волокна и ткани в текстильной промышленности. Биева Е.Г. - 30 стр.



filaments are resistant to insects, they absorb little moisture. Being not proof against heat,
synthetic fabrics cannot be boiled. When cut to staple* chemical fibres are mixed with natural
fibres. This increases durability and wearing qualities of such textiles.
staple - штапельная длина
Запомните слова:
to be of great importance, to obtain, rayon, to require, etc., widespread, coal, air, substitute, to
reveal, for example, against, heat, to cut, staple, to mix, quality
I. Укажите все случаи употребления причастий в тексте.
II. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словам из списка.
1. Wool and hair-like fibres … such properties as wavyness and absorption of moisture.
2. If natural fibres … with chemical fibres … of fabrics improves greatly.
3. Now a lot of man-made fibres are used in textile industry, … nylon, viscose, acryl.
4. Synthetic fibres and rayons … in different ways.
5. Nylon and dederon are used as … of silk for underwear.
6. For production of modern fashionable clothes we … both natural and synthetic materials.
for example, to mix, to require, substitute, to reveal, to obtain, quality
III. Подберите слова из списка, соответствующие данным определениям.
1. high temperature
2. wood fibre
3. black mineral that burns and gives heat
4. gases which we breath
5. silk-like material made from cellulose
6. to reach the temperature at which change to gas begins
7. combination of parts, elements into a whole
synthetic, cellulose, air, to boil, rayon, coal, heat
filaments are resistant to insects, they absorb little moisture. Being not proof against heat,
synthetic fabrics cannot be boiled. When cut to staple* chemical fibres are mixed with natural
fibres. This increases durability and wearing qualities of such textiles.

staple - штапельная длина

Запомните слова:

to be of great importance, to obtain, rayon, to require, etc., widespread, coal, air, substitute, to
reveal, for example, against, heat, to cut, staple, to mix, quality

I. Укажите все случаи употребления причастий в тексте.

II. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словам из списка.

1. Wool and hair-like fibres … such properties as wavyness and absorption of moisture.
2. If natural fibres … with chemical fibres … of fabrics improves greatly.
3. Now a lot of man-made fibres are used in textile industry, … nylon, viscose, acryl.
4. Synthetic fibres and rayons … in different ways.
5. Nylon and dederon are used as … of silk for underwear.
6. For production of modern fashionable clothes we … both natural and synthetic materials.

for example, to mix, to require, substitute, to reveal, to obtain, quality

III. Подберите слова из списка, соответствующие данным определениям.

1. high temperature
2. wood fibre
3. black mineral that burns and gives heat
4. gases which we breath
5. silk-like material made from cellulose
6. to reach the temperature at which change to gas begins
7. combination of parts, elements into a whole

synthetic, cellulose, air, to boil, rayon, coal, heat