Волокна и ткани в текстильной промышленности. Биева Е.Г. - 29 стр.



4. The results published in this article are important.
5. If heated to 100 degree water forms steam.
6. Woven and knitted fabrics are used for various purposes.
7. If invited I shall come to your birthday party.
V. Выберите правильный перевод причастия.
1. The article translated
by the students is difficult (переводящая, переведенная,
2. The technology described
in the report is necessary for our tests (описанная,
3. Experiments showing
the changes of fibres length are difficult to make (показывающие,
4. Having written
the dictation the student gave it to the teacher (переведенный, переведя,
5. The lecture illustrated
with examples was interesting (иллюстрирующая,
6. The test-paper being written
by the students are word dictations and grammar papers
(написанные, пишущие, которые пишут).
VI. Вставьте необходимые причастия, переведите полученные предложения.
1. … the text he made one mistake (translating, translated).
2. The language … in this country is Spain (speaking, spoken).
3. … the wrong way I couldn’t find the station (showing, having been shown).
4. … this English novel I understood everything (being read, reading).
5. … all the examinations he became a student (passed, having passed).
6. The fabrics … at this mill are cotton and linen (produced, producing).
7. I was … a letter when he came (being written, writing).
8. The tragedy “King Lear” was … by Shakespear (written, writing).
Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Chemical fibres are of great industrial importance. The first successful attempts to obtain
man-made fibres were done at the beginning of the century.
Chemical fibres now being produced are subdivided into rayons ( or regenerated fibres)
and synthetic fibres. Production of rayons requires some naturally occurring organic raw
material as the starting point. Rayons are remanufactured or regenerated from cellulose and
natural proteins of milk, soybeans, corn etc. Viscose is the most widespread regenerated fibre.
Synthetic fibres are built up by chemical methods from the atoms of coal, water or air.
This process is called synthesis.
Having been originally developed as a substitute of natural fibres, now man-made fibres
reveal some properties which surpass those of natural fibres. For example, all man-made
4. The results published in this article are important.
5. If heated to 100 degree water forms steam.
6. Woven and knitted fabrics are used for various purposes.
7. If invited I shall come to your birthday party.

V. Выберите правильный перевод причастия.

1. The article translated by the students is difficult (переводящая, переведенная,
2. The technology described in the report is necessary for our tests (описанная,
3. Experiments showing the changes of fibres length are difficult to make (показывающие,
4. Having written the dictation the student gave it to the teacher (переведенный, переведя,
5. The lecture illustrated with examples was interesting (иллюстрирующая,
6. The test-paper being written by the students are word dictations and grammar papers
   (написанные, пишущие, которые пишут).

VI. Вставьте необходимые причастия, переведите полученные предложения.

1. … the text he made one mistake (translating, translated).
2. The language … in this country is Spain (speaking, spoken).
3. … the wrong way I couldn’t find the station (showing, having been shown).
4. … this English novel I understood everything (being read, reading).
5. … all the examinations he became a student (passed, having passed).
6. The fabrics … at this mill are cotton and linen (produced, producing).
7. I was … a letter when he came (being written, writing).
8. The tragedy “King Lear” was … by Shakespear (written, writing).

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

                              CHEMICAL FIBRES

      Chemical fibres are of great industrial importance. The first successful attempts to obtain
man-made fibres were done at the beginning of the century.
      Chemical fibres now being produced are subdivided into rayons ( or regenerated fibres)
and synthetic fibres. Production of rayons requires some naturally occurring organic raw
material as the starting point. Rayons are remanufactured or regenerated from cellulose and
natural proteins of milk, soybeans, corn etc. Viscose is the most widespread regenerated fibre.
      Synthetic fibres are built up by chemical methods from the atoms of coal, water or air.
This process is called synthesis.
      Having been originally developed as a substitute of natural fibres, now man-made fibres
reveal some properties which surpass those of natural fibres. For example, all man-made