Волокна и ткани в текстильной промышленности. Биева Е.Г. - 22 стр.



V. Ответом на какой из данных ниже вопросов является четвертый абзац текста?
1. What does quality of wool depend on?
2. What types of clothes is wool used for?
3. Why are woollen fabrics subjected to felting?
4. What hair fibres belong to goat and camel families?
VI. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова, данные после упражнения.
1. Wool forms the coat of the sheep and … animals.
2. Hair from animals must be washed in order to … dirt and other … .
3. Every textile fibre must possess certain … in order to be spun and woven into cloth.
4. Usually … of fabrics is a mixture of various fibres.
5. The process of shrinkage … when wool is washed.
6. Every yarn … of long and short fibres.
7. It is … to wear warm woollen … in winter.
consist, quality, similar, impurity, underwear, useful, remove, take place, composition.
VII. Перескажите текст, продолжив данные предложения.
1 Wool fibres are suitable for … .
2. They are various in … .
3. Raw wool contains … .
4. When wool is washed … .
5. Fibres similar to wool come from … .
6. Angora goat gives … .
7. Camel fabrics are used for … .
VIII. Прочитайте текст и озаглавьте его, письменно ответьте на вопросы.
The ancient Romans were skillful in spinning and weaving wool, and it is from them that
the people of Northern Europe learned the art. The art of wool weaving is known to come to the
British Isles from the Romans. In the fourth century of our era Roman soldiers in Great Britain
started a wool-weaving factory at the British town of Winchester to supply themselves with
It is from this factory that the native population of Great Britain learned the full value of
wool, and began to spin and weave it for themselves.
Mediaeval Britain was already famous for wool. At first, it was a large exporter of raw
wool and later, it became an exporter of woollen textiles.
It is believed that Great Britain owed its wealth to wool. Even now the Lord Chancellor
of England has his seat in Parliament on the wool sack, and this shows the importance of wool
in the history of England.
V. Ответом на какой из данных ниже вопросов является четвертый абзац текста?

   1. What does quality of wool depend on?
   2. What types of clothes is wool used for?
   3. Why are woollen fabrics subjected to felting?
   4. What hair fibres belong to goat and camel families?

VI. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова, данные после упражнения.

   1. Wool forms the coat of the sheep and … animals.
   2. Hair from animals must be washed in order to … dirt and other … .
   3. Every textile fibre must possess certain … in order to be spun and woven into cloth.
   4. Usually … of fabrics is a mixture of various fibres.
   5. The process of shrinkage … when wool is washed.
   6. Every yarn … of long and short fibres.
   7. It is … to wear warm woollen … in winter.
         consist, quality, similar, impurity, underwear, useful, remove, take place, composition.

VII. Перескажите текст, продолжив данные предложения.

1 Wool fibres are suitable for … .
2. They are various in … .
3. Raw wool contains … .
4. When wool is washed … .
5. Fibres similar to wool come from … .
6. Angora goat gives … .
7. Camel fabrics are used for … .

VIII. Прочитайте текст и озаглавьте его, письменно ответьте на вопросы.

       The ancient Romans were skillful in spinning and weaving wool, and it is from them that
the people of Northern Europe learned the art. The art of wool weaving is known to come to the
British Isles from the Romans. In the fourth century of our era Roman soldiers in Great Britain
started a wool-weaving factory at the British town of Winchester to supply themselves with
       It is from this factory that the native population of Great Britain learned the full value of
wool, and began to spin and weave it for themselves.
       Mediaeval Britain was already famous for wool. At first, it was a large exporter of raw
wool and later, it became an exporter of woollen textiles.
       It is believed that Great Britain owed its wealth to wool. Even now the Lord Chancellor
of England has his seat in Parliament on the wool sack, and this shows the importance of wool
in the history of England.