Причем “ought to” и “should” обозначают моральную обязанность,
“be to”- обязанность в силу договоренности, плана, приказа;
“have to” - вынужденную необходимость.
Глаголы “have to” и “be to” употребляются во всех временных формах.
1. She is ill, you should see
a doctor. 2. They ought to inform his mother. 3. Alice was to come
by train yesterday. 4. We have to do
it at once. 5. He had to tell me about her illness. 6. We are
to leave for Paris next week.
2. Модальные глаголы образуют отрицательную и вопросительную формы без
вспомогательных глаголов.
1) May I smoke here ? – No, you mustn’t.
2) Could he skate and ski ? – Yes, he could.
- No, he couldn’t.
3) She cannot read English books without a dictionary.
4) They ought to speak to the teacher, oughtn’t they ?
5) When may I come in ?
6) The doctor said she might not leave the room.
II. Определите значение модальных глаголов и поставьте предложения в
вопросительную и отрицательную форму.
1. You may take my dictionary. 2. Nobody could answer this question. 3. He can speak
German. 4. We must study well. 5. You should come in time. 6. He was to come to the
conference. 7. They will have to discuss this question. 8. You ought to help her. 9. She must
use a dictionary at the lesson. 10. The students are to come to the laboratory.
III. Определите форму сказуемого и функцию глагола “to be” в предложениях.
Переведите их.
1. This text is not difficult. 2. We shall be at the conference tomorrow. 3. You were to
translate the text for the previous lesson. 4. Flax is grown in many countries. 5. The
properties of this fibre have been examined and now they are being discusses by the
scientists. 6. New fabrics are to be produced at this mill soon. 7. I am at home now. 8. They
were translating the text, when I was at the theatre. 9. An atom is composed of a number of
electrons. 10. To live is to hope.
IV. Определите форму сказуемого и функцию глагола “to have” в предложениях.
Переведите их.
1. This laboratory has modern equipment. 2. They have just (только что) written a word
dictation. 3. He had to work hard in order (чтобы) to have much money. 4. She has neither
Причем “ought to” и “should” обозначают моральную обязанность, “be to”- обязанность в силу договоренности, плана, приказа; “have to” - вынужденную необходимость. Глаголы “have to” и “be to” употребляются во всех временных формах. 1. She is ill, you should see a doctor. 2. They ought to inform his mother. 3. Alice was to come by train yesterday. 4. We have to do it at once. 5. He had to tell me about her illness. 6. We are to leave for Paris next week. 2. Модальные глаголы образуют отрицательную и вопросительную формы без вспомогательных глаголов. 1) May I smoke here ? – No, you mustn’t. 2) Could he skate and ski ? – Yes, he could. - No, he couldn’t. 3) She cannot read English books without a dictionary. 4) They ought to speak to the teacher, oughtn’t they ? 5) When may I come in ? 6) The doctor said she might not leave the room. II. Определите значение модальных глаголов и поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму. 1. You may take my dictionary. 2. Nobody could answer this question. 3. He can speak German. 4. We must study well. 5. You should come in time. 6. He was to come to the conference. 7. They will have to discuss this question. 8. You ought to help her. 9. She must use a dictionary at the lesson. 10. The students are to come to the laboratory. III. Определите форму сказуемого и функцию глагола “to be” в предложениях. Переведите их. 1. This text is not difficult. 2. We shall be at the conference tomorrow. 3. You were to translate the text for the previous lesson. 4. Flax is grown in many countries. 5. The properties of this fibre have been examined and now they are being discusses by the scientists. 6. New fabrics are to be produced at this mill soon. 7. I am at home now. 8. They were translating the text, when I was at the theatre. 9. An atom is composed of a number of electrons. 10. To live is to hope. IV. Определите форму сказуемого и функцию глагола “to have” в предложениях. Переведите их. 1. This laboratory has modern equipment. 2. They have just (только что) written a word dictation. 3. He had to work hard in order (чтобы) to have much money. 4. She has neither
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