Психология думающего учителя: Педагогическая рефлексия. Бизяева А.А. - 213 стр.




Moon J.A. (1999).Reflection in learning and professional development:
theory and practice. London: Kogan Page.
Norlander-Case K., Reagan T., Case C. (1999). The Professional
Teacher: Preparation and Nurturance of the Reflective Practitioner.
San Fransisco: Jossey Bass.
Posner D.(1985) Field Experience: A Guide to Reflective Practice.
Reagan, 2000. Becoming a reflective educator: How to build a culture
of inquiry in the schools?, 2/e. Corwin Press, Inc.
Research in Practice. (1998).// Ed. by S.J.Gerow. Arlington. Institute
for Educational Transformation. George Mason University.
Robertson S., Keith T., Page E. (1983). Now who aspires to teach?//
Educational Researcher. N.12.
Rogers C.R., Freiberg H.J. (1994). Freedom to learn. NY: Merrill.
Rotter J.B. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus
external control of reinforcement// Psychological Monographs.
V.80. N.1.
Russel P., Spafford J. (1983). Teachers’ reflectivity in getting
professional wisdom// Journal of Teacher Education. V.35.
Schon D. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think
in Action. New York: Basic Books.
Shermis S. (1992). Critical thinking: helping students learn refltctively.
Bloomington, Indiana: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and
Communication Skills. (ED341954).
Silberman C. (1971). Crisis in the classroom. N.Y.
Valverde L. (1982). The self-evolving supervisor // Supervision of
teaching. Alexandria, VA.
Van Manen M. (1977). Linking ways of knowing with ways of being
practical // Cuuriculum Inquiry. N.6.
Wasserman S. (1992). Asking the right question: The essence of
teaching. Phi Delta Kappa Fastback 343. Bloomington, Indiana.
Woolfolk A.,(1987). Educational Psychology. Prentice Hall, Inc. New
Jersey 07632.
Moon J.A. (1999).Reflection in learning and professional development:
   theory and practice. London: Kogan Page.
Norlander-Case K., Reagan T., Case C. (1999). The Professional
   Teacher: Preparation and Nurturance of the Reflective Practitioner.
   San Fransisco: Jossey Bass.
Posner D.(1985) Field Experience: A Guide to Reflective Practice.
Reagan, 2000. Becoming a reflective educator: How to build a culture
   of inquiry in the schools?, 2/e. Corwin Press, Inc.
Research in Practice. (1998).// Ed. by S.J.Gerow. Arlington. Institute
   for Educational Transformation. George Mason University.
Robertson S., Keith T., Page E. (1983). Now who aspires to teach?//
   Educational Researcher. N.12.
Rogers C.R., Freiberg H.J. (1994). Freedom to learn. NY: Merrill.
Rotter J.B. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus
   external control of reinforcement// Psychological Monographs.
   V.80. N.1.
Russel P., Spafford J. (1983). Teachers’ reflectivity in getting
   professional wisdom// Journal of Teacher Education. V.35.
Schon D. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think
   in Action. New York: Basic Books.
Shermis S. (1992). Critical thinking: helping students learn refltctively.
   Bloomington, Indiana: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and
   Communication Skills. (ED341954).
Silberman C. (1971). Crisis in the classroom. N.Y.
Valverde L. (1982). The self-evolving supervisor // Supervision of
   teaching. Alexandria, VA.
Van Manen M. (1977). Linking ways of knowing with ways of being
   practical // Cuuriculum Inquiry. N.6.
Wasserman S. (1992). Asking the right question: The essence of
   teaching. Phi Delta Kappa Fastback 343. Bloomington, Indiana.
Woolfolk A.,(1987). Educational Psychology. Prentice Hall, Inc. New
   Jersey 07632.
