Theoretical English Grammar. Part 1. Morphology. Бочарова М.В. - 22 стр.



o Basic types of modality.
the relation between the
objective reality as seen
by the
verbal action and
and represented
Subjective modality
the speaker’s attitudes to
the verbal action
Real objective
Unreal objective
(volition, inducement, de-
sirability, obligation…)
o The morphological category of Mood (traditional approach).
the opposi-
tion of
The Indicative
Mood forms:
– the same sys-
tem of forms as
are used to real-
ise the catego-
ries of Tense,
Aspect and Cor-
– no uniform
The Imperative
Mood forms:
– The positive
form (homony-
mous with the
bare infinitive
form) and the
negative form
– No person dis-
tinction, only
the second per-
The Subjunctive (/ Con…)
Mood forms:
(classification by prof.
Subjunctive I:
– a synthetic form;
– used in object subordinate
clauses of complex sentences;
– expresses a low degree of
unreal modality
Suppositional mood forms:
– an analytical form (should +
main verb);
– used in object subordinate
clauses of complex sentences;
– expresses a low degree of
unreal modality
o Subjunctive I and Supposi-
o Basic types of modality.
               Objective Modality                       Subjective modality
 the relation between the verbal action and           the speaker’s attitudes to
 objective reality as seen and represented            the verbal action
                     by the speaker
     Real objective             Unreal objective     (volition, inducement, de-
          modality                 modality            sirability, obligation…)

o The morphological category of Mood (traditional approach).

Forms:         The Indicative The Imperative        The Subjunctive (/ Con…)
the opposi-     Mood forms:        Mood forms:             Mood forms:
tion of                                                (classification by prof.
              – the same sys- – The positive       Subjunctive I:
              tem of forms as form (homony- – a synthetic form;
              are used to real- mous with the      – used in object subordinate
              ise the catego-    bare infinitive   clauses of complex sentences;
              ries of Tense,     form) and the     – expresses a low degree of
              Aspect and Cor- negative form        unreal modality
                                                   Suppositional mood forms:
              – no uniform       – No person dis- – an analytical form (should +
              grammatical        tinction, only    main verb);
              pattern            the second per- – used in object subordinate
                                 son*              clauses of complex sentences;
                                                   – expresses a low degree of
                                                   unreal modality

                                                   o Subjunctive I and Supposi-
