Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений. Бодргина Л.И - 44 стр.


In foreign trade transactions various modes of payment are practised, among
which the most popular are as follows:
by a banker's transfer;
by a letter of credit;
for collection;
by drafts;
on an open account.
Sometimes mixed terms are practiced. That depends on the value of the
goods, volume of the goods, time of delivery and many other factors.
Here is an example of how terms of payment can be stipulated in the offer for
some expensive sophisticated equipment:
We propose the following terms of payment.
Ten percent of the total sum should be paid in advance by telegraphic bank-
er's transfer.
Fifty percent of the total sum should be paid by telegraphic banker's transfer
within 30 days after your bank receives shipping documents.
Forty percent of the total sum should be paid by drafts at 90 days' sight.
to practice практиковать, применять
practice практика, применение
to transfer переводить
transfer перевод
money transfer денежный перевод
bank transfer банковский перевод
to make a transfer произвести перевод
letter of credit (сокр. 1/с) аккредитив
syn. credit
to collect инкассировать, взимать
collection инкассо
for collection на инкассо
on a collection basis на основе инкассо
draft тратта
to pay by drafts оплачивать траттами
a sight draft тратта, срочная по предъявлении
30 days' sight draft тратта, срочная через 30 дней
после предъявления
account счет
to mix смешивать
mixed смешанный
mixture смесь
volume объем, количество
to stipulate указывать
expensive дорогой
      In foreign trade transactions various modes of payment are practised, among
which the most popular are as follows:
      – by a banker's transfer;
      – by a letter of credit;
      – for collection;
      – by drafts;
      – on an open account.
      Sometimes mixed terms are practiced. That depends on the value of the
goods, volume of the goods, time of delivery and many other factors.
      Here is an example of how terms of payment can be stipulated in the offer for
some expensive sophisticated equipment:
      We propose the following terms of payment.
      Ten percent of the total sum should be paid in advance by telegraphic bank-
er's transfer.
      Fifty percent of the total sum should be paid by telegraphic banker's transfer
within 30 days after your bank receives shipping documents.
      Forty percent of the total sum should be paid by drafts at 90 days' sight.


to practice                               практиковать, применять
practice                                  практика, применение
to transfer                               переводить
transfer                                  перевод
money transfer                            денежный перевод
bank transfer                             банковский перевод
to make a transfer                        произвести перевод
letter of credit (сокр. 1/с)              аккредитив
syn. credit
to collect                                инкассировать, взимать
collection                                инкассо
for collection                            на инкассо
on a collection                           basis на основе инкассо
draft                                     тратта
to pay by drafts                          оплачивать траттами
a sight draft                             тратта, срочная по предъявлении
30 days' sight draft                      тратта, срочная через 30 дней
                                          после предъявления
account                                   счет
to mix                                    смешивать
mixed                                     смешанный
mixture                                   смесь
volume                                    объем, количество
to stipulate                              указывать
expensive                                 дорогой