RENDERING. Богатова С.М - 4 стр.


newspaper or magazine article. Besides expository paragraphs, in
which new information is presented and discussed, these longer writ-
ings contain three types of paragraphs: introductory, transitional, and
Introductory paragraphs tell you, in advance, such things as (1)
the main ideas of the chapter or section; (2) the extent or limits of the
coverage; (3) how the topic is developed; and (4) the writer's attitude
toward the topic. Transitional paragraphs are usually short; their sole
function is to tie together what you have read so far and what is to
come – to set the stage for succeeding ideas of the chapter or section.
Summarizing paragraphs are used to restate briefly the main ideas of
the chapter or section. The writer may also draw some conclusion from
these ideas, or speculate on some conclusion based on the evidence
he/she has presented.
EXERCISE 1. Read the following paragraph and underline
the stated main idea. Write down in your own words what you are
able to conclude from the information.
The rules of conduct during an examination are clear. No books,
calculators or papers are allowed in the test room. Proctors will not al-
low anyone with such items to take the test. Anyone caught cheating
will be asked to leave the room. His or her test sheet will be taken. The
incident will be reported to the proper authority. At the end of the test
period, all materials will be returned to the proctor. Failure to abide by
these rules will result in a failing grade for this test.
EXERCISE 2. Identify the topic sentence and the supporting
A typical paragraph is organized like this:
I. The Main Idea Sentence (the topic sentence):
A. Supporting Detail #1
B. Supporting Detail #2
C. Supporting Detail #3
II. Concluding (or Summary) Sentence
There are three main benefits from exercise: weight loss, muscle
tone, and cardiovascular improvement. First of all, a moderate exercise
program such as bicycling, walking, jogging or aerobics for thirty min-
utes four days a week will result in weight loss for the average person.
An increase in activity means the body will burn more calories, result-
ing in weight loss. Second, moderate exercise helps develop and tone
muscles in the arms, legs, back, neck and shoulders. The body uses
these muscles to exercise, and the activity helps the muscles become
stronger. The heart, the most important muscle in the body, gets
stronger with exercise, which makes the heart work more efficiently.
This brings about the third benefit – cardiovascular improvement. Ex-
ercise causes the heart to pump blood throughout the body more effi-
ciently. The lungs deliver more oxygen to the cells, and breathing is
easier. All of these benefits are the result of exercise, so start an exer-
cise program today!
EXERCISE 3. The idea of the article is not always stated in
one topic sentence, sometimes it is implied. Identify the main idea
of the following articles
1) Opinion article:
The term ‘paparazzi’ comes from a character called Paparazzo in
the Fellini film, La Dolce Vita, who rode around on a scooter taking
photographs of the rich and famous. Modern day paparazzi take photo-
graphs of famous people, hoping to get them in an unflattering or com-
promising pose. The photograph is then sold for an enormous sum of
money, sometimes close to a million dollars, to the tabloid press.
Some people say that celebrities are public property and that this
invasion of privacy is to be expected – ‘that’s show business’, they say.
I think that is true up to a point, but celebrities are being followed, har-
assed, chased, provoked and spied on in their own homes. That’s not
show business, that’s criminal.
2) Information article:
According to recent medical research, sleeping more than nine
hours or less than six hours a night can shorten your life expectancy.
Those who are likely to live longest are people who regularly get be-
tween seven and eight hours a night.
A new survey of 1,000 adults conducted by the Better Sleep
Council (BSC) found that few people understand the important role
newspaper or magazine article. Besides expository paragraphs, in             program such as bicycling, walking, jogging or aerobics for thirty min-
which new information is presented and discussed, these longer writ-         utes four days a week will result in weight loss for the average person.
ings contain three types of paragraphs: introductory, transitional, and      An increase in activity means the body will burn more calories, result-
summarizing.                                                                 ing in weight loss. Second, moderate exercise helps develop and tone
      Introductory paragraphs tell you, in advance, such things as (1)       muscles in the arms, legs, back, neck and shoulders. The body uses
the main ideas of the chapter or section; (2) the extent or limits of the    these muscles to exercise, and the activity helps the muscles become
coverage; (3) how the topic is developed; and (4) the writer's attitude      stronger. The heart, the most important muscle in the body, gets
toward the topic. Transitional paragraphs are usually short; their sole      stronger with exercise, which makes the heart work more efficiently.
function is to tie together what you have read so far and what is to         This brings about the third benefit – cardiovascular improvement. Ex-
come – to set the stage for succeeding ideas of the chapter or section.      ercise causes the heart to pump blood throughout the body more effi-
Summarizing paragraphs are used to restate briefly the main ideas of         ciently. The lungs deliver more oxygen to the cells, and breathing is
the chapter or section. The writer may also draw some conclusion from        easier. All of these benefits are the result of exercise, so start an exer-
these ideas, or speculate on some conclusion based on the evidence           cise program today!
he/she has presented.
                                                                                    EXERCISE 3. The idea of the article is not always stated in
      EXERCISE 1. Read the following paragraph and underline                 one topic sentence, sometimes it is implied. Identify the main idea
the stated main idea. Write down in your own words what you are              of the following articles
able to conclude from the information.
                                                                                    1) Opinion article:
       The rules of conduct during an examination are clear. No books,              The term ‘paparazzi’ comes from a character called Paparazzo in
calculators or papers are allowed in the test room. Proctors will not al-    the Fellini film, La Dolce Vita, who rode around on a scooter taking
low anyone with such items to take the test. Anyone caught cheating          photographs of the rich and famous. Modern day paparazzi take photo-
will be asked to leave the room. His or her test sheet will be taken. The    graphs of famous people, hoping to get them in an unflattering or com-
incident will be reported to the proper authority. At the end of the test    promising pose. The photograph is then sold for an enormous sum of
period, all materials will be returned to the proctor. Failure to abide by   money, sometimes close to a million dollars, to the tabloid press.
these rules will result in a failing grade for this test.                           Some people say that celebrities are public property and that this
                                                                             invasion of privacy is to be expected – ‘that’s show business’, they say.
      EXERCISE 2. Identify the topic sentence and the supporting             I think that is true up to a point, but celebrities are being followed, har-
details                                                                      assed, chased, provoked and spied on in their own homes. That’s not
                                                                             show business, that’s criminal.
      A typical paragraph is organized like this:
       I. The Main Idea Sentence (the topic sentence):                             2) Information article:
           A. Supporting Detail #1                                                 According to recent medical research, sleeping more than nine
           B. Supporting Detail #2                                           hours or less than six hours a night can shorten your life expectancy.
           C. Supporting Detail #3                                           Those who are likely to live longest are people who regularly get be-
       II. Concluding (or Summary) Sentence                                  tween seven and eight hours a night.
       There are three main benefits from exercise: weight loss, muscle            A new survey of 1,000 adults conducted by the Better Sleep
tone, and cardiovascular improvement. First of all, a moderate exercise      Council (BSC) found that few people understand the important role

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