RENDERING. Богатова С.М - 49 стр.


What is the author's thesis Are the main ideas actually related
to the thesis?
What main ideas are related to the
Do key passages convey a message
different from the thesis?
What are the key moments or key
passages in the text?
What assumptions (about the sub-
ject or about culture) does the au-
thor make?
Are there problems or contradic-
tions in the essay?
What bothers or disturbs you about
the essay?
Where do you agree or disagree?
IV. Organization and Evidence
Where does the author preview the
essay's organization?
Where did you clearly get the au-
thor's signals about the essay's or-
How does the author signal new sec-
tions of the essay?
Where were you confused about the
What kinds of evidence does the au-
thor use (personal experience, de-
scriptions, statistics, other authorities,
analytical reasoning, or other).
What evidence was most or least
Where did the author rely on asser-
tions rather than on evidence?
V. Language and Style
What is the author's tone (casual,
humorous, ironic, angry, preachy,
distant, academic, or other)?
Did the tone support or distract
from the author's purpose or mean-
Are sentences and vocabulary easy,
average or difficult?
Did the sentences and vocabulary
support or distract from the purpose
or meaning?
What words, phrases, or images recur
throughout the text?
Did recurring works or images re-
late to or support the purpose or
Remember that not all these questions will be relevant to any
given article or text, but one or two of them may suggest a direction or
give a focus to your overall response.
When one of these questions suggests a focus for your response
to the article, go back to the text to gather evidence to support your re-
What is the author's thesis                   Are the main ideas actually related    Are sentences and vocabulary easy,      Did the sentences and vocabulary
                                              to the thesis?                         average or difficult?                   support or distract from the purpose
                                                                                                                             or meaning?
What main ideas are related to the            Do key passages convey a message
thesis?                                       different from the thesis?             What words, phrases, or images recur    Did recurring works or images re-
                                                                                     throughout the text?                    late to or support the purpose or
What are the key moments or key               What assumptions (about the sub-                                               meaning?
passages in the text?                         ject or about culture) does the au-
                                              thor make?
                                                                                            Remember that not all these questions will be relevant to any
                                              Are there problems or contradic-       given article or text, but one or two of them may suggest a direction or
                                              tions in the essay?                    give a focus to your overall response.
                                                                                            When one of these questions suggests a focus for your response
                                              What bothers or disturbs you about     to the article, go back to the text to gather evidence to support your re-
                                              the essay?                             sponse.
                                              Where do you agree or disagree?

IV. Organization and Evidence

Where does the author preview the             Where did you clearly get the au-
essay's organization?                         thor's signals about the essay's or-

How does the author signal new sec-           Where were you confused about the
tions of the essay?                           organization?

What kinds of evidence does the au-           What evidence was most or least
thor use (personal experience, de-            effective?
scriptions, statistics, other authorities,
analytical reasoning, or other).

                                              Where did the author rely on asser-
                                              tions rather than on evidence?

V. Language and Style

What is the author's tone (casual,            Did the tone support or distract
humorous, ironic, angry, preachy,             from the author's purpose or mean-
distant, academic, or other)?                 ing?

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