Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 10 стр.


Task 14. In three of these words the underlined part is pronounced similarly; in
the fourth word the underlined part is pronounced differently. Find the fourth
steak break clean great
1. lazy lapel label labourer
2. while which who white
3. come roll comb grow
4. blood prove rude souvenier
5. hour honest heir hospital
6. dealt dreamt heal jealous
7. slogan motor total proper
8. sugar cassette fashion passion
9. allow doubt bought scout
10. replace purchase surface palace
11. absent recent descent present
12. promise device surprise realise
13. liable lived revival final
14. houses faces horses places
15. pudding put pull puncture
16. sovereign fountain determine routine
17. beard word heard third
18. ghost hostage lost frosty
19. bury friendly pretty pleasant
20. chorus cherish chaos scholarship
21. creature decent league menace
22. measure dreadful treasure breathe
23. danger angel anger magic
24. trivial rival minor sign
25. nature change gravity basis
26. discipline vision cylinder muscle
27. office promise service expertise
28. suitable biscuit guilty building
29. patient crescent ancient machine
30. physical mythology rhythmic psychological
Task 15.
A: Contribute to “Words commonly mispronounced by Russian
learners of English”. Does it influence understanding? Is there internationally or
scientifically recognized cure for mispronounciation? How would you treat it?
Words commonly mispronounced by Russian learners of English
Hotel, effort, country, onion, worry, …
B: How would you treat the following?
a) a student constantly pronounces “cart” as [kat], “part” as [pat], etc.
Task 14. In three of these words the underlined part is pronounced similarly; in
the fourth word the underlined part is pronounced differently. Find the fourth
      steak             break             clean               great
   1. lazy              lapel              label              labourer
   2. while             which              who                white
   3. come              roll               comb               grow
   4. blood             prove              rude               souvenier
   5. hour              honest             heir               hospital
   6. dealt             dreamt             heal               jealous
   7. slogan            motor              total              proper
   8. sugar             cassette           fashion            passion
   9. allow             doubt              bought             scout
   10. replace          purchase           surface            palace
   11. absent           recent             descent            present
   12. promise          device             surprise           realise
   13. liable           lived              revival            final
   14. houses           faces              horses             places
   15. pudding          put                pull               puncture
   16. sovereign        fountain           determine          routine
   17. beard            word               heard              third
   18. ghost            hostage            lost               frosty
   19. bury             friendly           pretty             pleasant
   20. chorus           cherish            chaos              scholarship
   21. creature         decent             league             menace
   22. measure          dreadful           treasure           breathe
   23. danger           angel              anger              magic
   24. trivial          rival              minor              sign
   25. nature           change             gravity            basis
   26. discipline       vision             cylinder           muscle
   27. office           promise            service            expertise
   28. suitable         biscuit            guilty             building
   29. patient          crescent           ancient            machine
   30. physical         mythology          rhythmic          psychological

Task 15. A: Contribute to “Words commonly mispronounced by Russian
learners of English”. Does it influence understanding? Is there internationally or
scientifically recognized cure for mispronounciation? How would you treat it?

Words commonly mispronounced by Russian learners of English
Hotel, effort, country, onion, worry,

B: How would you treat the following?
a) a student constantly pronounces “cart” as [kat], “part” as [pat], etc.