Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 19 стр.


Exercise II-L
Write the Alternative IPA symbol for the initial consonant in each of the
following words and then list the articulatory features for that consonant.
symbol +/ voice Place of articulation Manner of
alveolo-palatal affricate
1 /t/
2 /z/
3 /v/
4 /g/
5 /n/
6 / θ /
8 /j/
9 /b/
10 /f/
/ʤ /
12 /w/
14 /l/
15 /r/
Exercise II-M
Each of the following sets contains one inappropriate consonant. That is, three
of the consonants in each set share an articulatory feature that the fourth does
not. Underline the symbol that does NOT belong to the set, and give the
articulatory feature that it does not share with all three others.
Ex.1 /m n v ŋ/ fricative
Ex.2 /p b d g/ voiceless
1. /t s n g / ____________ 3. /g ŋ s k / ____________
2. /b z d g / ____________ 4. / f v d ŋ / ____________
LABORATORY TWO Name _____________
A. Exercise II-M continued
5. /m ʃ p b / ___________; all the others are ______________
6. / ʃ z s g / ____________; all the others are ______________
Exercise II-L
Write the Alternative IPA symbol for the initial consonant in each of the
following words and then list the articulatory features for that consonant.
        symbol +/– voice Place of articulation Manner of               Answers
Ex.1      /tʃ/        –           alveolo-palatal         affricate      /tʃ/
1                                                                       /t/
2                                                                       /z/
3                                                                      /v/
4                                                                      /g/
5                                                                      /n/
6                                                                      /θ/
7                                                                      /ʃ/
8                                                                      /j/
9                                                                      /b/
10                                                                     /f/
11                                                                    /ʤ /
12                                                                     /w/
13                                                                     /ð/
14                                                                      /l/
15                                                                     /r/

Exercise II-M
Each of the following sets contains one inappropriate consonant. That is, three
of the consonants in each set share an articulatory feature that the fourth does
not. Underline the symbol that does NOT belong to the set, and give the
articulatory feature that it does not share with all three others.
       Ex.1 /m n v ŋ/ fricative
       Ex.2 /p b d g/ voiceless
       1. /t s n g / ____________ 3. /g ŋ s k / ____________
       2. /b z d g / ____________ 4. / f v d ŋ / ____________
LABORATORY TWO                                               Name _____________

A. Exercise II-M continued
      5. /m ʃ p b / ___________;           all the others are ______________
      6. / ʃ z s g / ____________;         all the others are ______________