Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 22 стр.


Please indicate whether the vowel in each word is FRONT, CENTRAL or
BACK on the HORISONTAL axis of a vowel grid. Then fill in the IPA symbol
for that vowel, using Alternative IPA.
Example 1: central / ə / Example 2: central /aw/
1._________ 6._________ 11._________
2._________ 7._________ 12._________
3._________ 8._________ 13._________
4._________ 9._________ 14._________
5._________ 10.________ 15._________
1. back 6. back 11.central
2. front 7. central 12.front
3. front 8. front 13.central
4. central 9. front 14.back
5. back 10.back 15.central
Exercise III-E
Indicate whether the vowel in each of the following names is TENSE or LAX
and then transcribe the appropriate IPA vowel symbol, using Alternative IPA.
1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________
6._________ 7._________ 8._________
Answers: 1.tense 2.lax 3.lax 4.lax 5.tense 6.tense 7.tense 8.lax
Exercise III-F
A diphthong is a vowel produced with movement of the tongue and lips. Under
this definition, the American English vowels /ay/, /aw/, and /ɔy/ are considered
diphthongal. The vowels /iy/, /ey/, /ow/, and /uw/ are also produced with
movement of the tongue and lips, but the movement is less pronounced than for
/ay/, /aw/, and /ɔy/. For this reason, in our system, only /ay/, /aw/, and /ɔy/ will
be consistently referred to as diphthongs. These three vowels are also referred to
as the primary diphthongs.
Example 1: diph. /ɔy/ Example 2: monoph. /i/
1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________
6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________
10.________ 11._________ 12._________ 13._________
Please indicate whether the vowel in each word is FRONT, CENTRAL or
BACK on the HORISONTAL axis of a vowel grid. Then fill in the IPA symbol
for that vowel, using Alternative IPA.
Example 1: central / ə /            Example 2: central /aw/
1._________              6._________            11._________
2._________               7._________               12._________
3._________               8._________               13._________
4._________               9._________               14._________
5._________               10.________               15._________
1. back            6. back                   11.central
2. front           7. central                12.front
3. front           8. front                  13.central
4. central         9. front                  14.back
5. back            10.back                   15.central

Exercise III-E
Indicate whether the vowel in each of the following names is TENSE or LAX
and then transcribe the appropriate IPA vowel symbol, using Alternative IPA.
1._________         2._________       3._________ 4._________ 5._________
6._________         7._________       8._________
Answers: 1.tense 2.lax 3.lax 4.lax 5.tense 6.tense 7.tense 8.lax

Exercise III-F
A diphthong is a vowel produced with movement of the tongue and lips. Under
this definition, the American English vowels /ay/, /aw/, and /ɔy/ are considered
diphthongal. The vowels /iy/, /ey/, /ow/, and /uw/ are also produced with
movement of the tongue and lips, but the movement is less pronounced than for
/ay/, /aw/, and /ɔy/. For this reason, in our system, only /ay/, /aw/, and /ɔy/ will
be consistently referred to as diphthongs. These three vowels are also referred to
as the primary diphthongs.
Example 1: diph. /ɔy/                  Example 2: monoph. /i/
1._________        2._________       3._________ 4._________          5._________
6._________         7._________      8._________      9._________
10.________         11._________ 12._________ 13._________