Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 27 стр.


Choose the relevant option.
1. Compare the number of affricates singled out by Soviet and foreign
phoneticians. How can you explain the evident difference?
2. Dwell on Trubetskoy’s technique to define the articulatory indivisibility of
sound complexes. How does it help answer the question whether [
ʧ, ʤ
] are
monophonemic entities or biphonemic clusters?
3. What other criteria turned out to be helpful to solve the problem in question?
4. It is well known that the phoneme [ə] is “the most common vowel sound in
English” (Bryson, 1990), “the most frequently heard of all the English vowels”
(Prator, 1985) and also forms “the core of unstressed vocalism in English
(Соколова, 2004). How can you account for it? Is it due to the phonemic status
of this phoneme? Other reasons?
5. Find minimal pairs for the neutral sound [ə] to prove its status of an
independent phoneme in the English vowel system.
6. The problem of the phonemic status of the neutral sound [ə] has a
morphological aspect. How is it treated by different linguistic schools? Ref.
(Соколова, 2004, pp. 90-100).
Task 11. Go to “Introspecting About Your Own Language Learning”(p. 47)
Part 3
Phonetic Modifications of Sounds in Discourse
Issues to Study and Discuss:
1. Linking of Words in Connected Speech:
1.1 Basic linking patterns.
1.1.1 The linking [r].
1.1.2 The intrusive [r].
2. Modifications of Consonants in Connected Speech:
2.1 Assimilation.
2.2 Accommodation.
2.3 Elision.
3. Modifications of Vowels in Connected Speech:
3.1 Reduction
3.2 Accommodation
Task 1.
To master fluency and listening comprehension in a foreign language a
language learner should know how sounds behave in actual speech / discourse.
[Соколова, 2003, pp.66-76, 122-132, 279-281]. Fill in the gaps to make the
text about sound adjustments sound true.
Sounds in actual speech / discourse are ________ pronounced by
themselves. To pronounce a word consisting of more than one sound it is
necessary to _____ the sounds together in the proper way.
Choose the relevant option.
1. Compare the number of affricates singled out by Soviet and foreign
phoneticians. How can you explain the evident difference?
2. Dwell on Trubetskoy’s technique to define the articulatory indivisibility of
sound complexes. How does it help answer the question whether [ʧ, ʤ] are
monophonemic entities or biphonemic clusters?
3. What other criteria turned out to be helpful to solve the problem in question?
4. It is well known that the phoneme [ə] is “the most common vowel sound in
English” (Bryson, 1990), “the most frequently heard of all the English vowels”
(Prator, 1985) and also forms “the core of unstressed vocalism in English
(Соколова, 2004). How can you account for it? Is it due to the phonemic status
of this phoneme? Other reasons?
5. Find minimal pairs for the neutral sound [ə] to prove its status of an
independent phoneme in the English vowel system.
6. The problem of the phonemic status of the neutral sound [ə] has a
morphological aspect. How is it treated by different linguistic schools? Ref.
(Соколова, 2004, pp. 90-100).

Task 11. Go to “Introspecting About Your Own Language Learning”(p. 47).

Part 3 Phonetic Modifications of Sounds in Discourse

Issues to Study and Discuss:
    1. Linking of Words in Connected Speech:
        1.1 Basic linking patterns.
        1.1.1 The linking [r].
        1.1.2 The intrusive [r].
    2. Modifications of Consonants in Connected Speech:
        2.1 Assimilation.
        2.2 Accommodation.
        2.3 Elision.
    3. Modifications of Vowels in Connected Speech:
         3.1 Reduction
         3.2 Accommodation


Task 1. To master fluency and listening comprehension in a foreign language a
language learner should know how sounds behave in actual speech / discourse.
Ref. [Соколова, 2003, pp.66-76, 122-132, 279-281]. Fill in the gaps to make the
text about sound adjustments sound true.

      Sounds in actual speech / discourse are ________ pronounced by
themselves. To pronounce a word consisting of more than one sound it is
necessary to _____ the sounds together in the proper way.