Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 32 стр.


Degrees of Nasalization
Least Greatest
Initial nasal Final nasal Initial and Final
maid aim main
met ten men
gnat tan man
note home gnome
Task 10.
Many learners of English tend to release and aspirate final stops too
heavily: for example, book [k
], hit [t
], spot [t
]. To overcome this tendency it’s
necessary to understand how vowel length is connected with pronunciation of
final voiceless/voiced consonants. Study the basic sound environments, in which
accommodation regularly occurs and formulate the rules, governing it. Can you
make your contribution to the list of accommodation patterns?
Vowels before Consonants in Final Position
[p] cap [b] cab
[t] hit [d] hid
[k] kick [g] big
[f] fife [v] five
[s] bus [z] buzz
[ʃ] bush [ʒ] rouge
[ θ ] cloth, myth [ð] clothes
[ʧ] hitch [ʤ] huge
Rule 1: Vowels are _________ when they are followed by the
________________, the fricatives ________________ and the _____________
than by their ___________ counterparts
buS [bΛs] buzz
saFe save [v]
plaCe plays [z]
teeTH teethe [ð]
Rule 2: The ___________________ and the _____________are articulated
with greater length and force in final position than their voiced counterparts
                             Degrees of Nasalization

   Least                                                                    Greatest

 Initial nasal                     Final nasal                   Initial and Final
 maid                               aim                        main
 met                                ten                        men
 gnat                               tan                        man
 note                               home                       gnome

Task 10. Many learners of English tend to release and aspirate final stops too
heavily: for example, book [kh], hit [th], spot [th]. To overcome this tendency it’s
necessary to understand how vowel length is connected with pronunciation of
final voiceless/voiced consonants. Study the basic sound environments, in which
accommodation regularly occurs and formulate the rules, governing it. Can you
make your contribution to the list of accommodation patterns?
                  Vowels before Consonants in Final Position

  [p]      cap                                       [b]         cab
 [t]       hit                                        [d]        hid
 [k]       kick                                      [g]         big
 [f]       fife                                      [v]         five
 [s]       bus                                       [z]         buzz
 [ʃ]       bush                                      [ʒ]          rouge
 [θ]       cloth, myth                                [ð]         clothes
 [ʧ]       hitch                                     [ʤ]          huge

 Rule 1: Vowels are _________ when they are followed by the
 ________________, the fricatives ________________ and the _____________
 than        by            their         ___________          counterparts

 buS [bΛs]                             buzz [bΛ:z]
 saFe                                  save [v]
 plaCe                                  plays [z]
 teeTH                                 teethe [ð]

 Rule 2: The ___________________ and the _____________are articulated
 with greater length and force in final position than their voiced counterparts