Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 30 стр.


5. There is not much cheese on the plate.
6. Don’t blame M
7. She is not familiar with th
at story.
Task 4.
A: Add a noun to the colour terms below. Choose words that follow
the patterns described in task 2:
red tape
purple lake
black _____ green _____
white _____ pink _____
violet _____ gold _____
B: Match the items in columns 1, 2, and 3 to make meaningful contexts and
identify what linking pattern the following phrases illustrate.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Pattern
Try Up
Play It Now
Say Again
Slow Down
Task 5.
What types of assimilation are singled out by the Russian phoneticians?
[Соколова, 2003, pp.68-84; Соколова, 2004, pp.71-78]. Fill in the chart
Direction Degree of completeness Degree of stability Example
Task 6.
Follow the example to analyse the phonetic phenomena below in terms
of the degree of assimilation; the direction of assimilation; the stability of
assimilation and the type of discourse. Can you make your contribution to the
list of assimilation patterns.
Example: Swiss ch
alet [s] + [ʃ] = [ʃ]
When the word’s final [s] and the word’s initial [
ʃ] meet in colloquial discourse
we hear [
1. horses
hoe [ ] + [ ] = [ ]
2. his sh
irt, one’s shadow [z] + [ ʃ ] = [ ]
3. good b
oy [t, d] + [b] = [ ]
4. good g
irl [t, d] + [ ] = [ ]
5. at p
eace [t, d] + [ ] = [ ]
6. pet k
itten [t, d] + [ ] = [ ]
7. iss
ue [s] + [ j] = [ ]
8. Pass y
our plate [s] + [ ] = [ ]
5. There is not much cheese on the plate.
6. Don’t blame Mary.
7. She is not familiar with that story.

Task 4. A: Add a noun to the colour terms below. Choose words that follow
the patterns described in task 2:
red tape                               purple lake
black _____                            green _____
white _____                            pink _____
violet _____                           gold _____

B: Match the items in columns 1, 2, and 3 to make meaningful contexts and
identify what linking pattern the following phrases illustrate.
   Column 1         Column 2            Column 3                Pattern
       Try                                 Up
       Play            It                  Now
       Say                                 Again
       Slow                                Down

Task 5. What types of assimilation are singled out by the Russian phoneticians?
Ref. [Соколова, 2003, pp.68-84; Соколова, 2004, pp.71-78]. Fill in the chart
Direction    Degree of completeness Degree of stability Example

Task 6. Follow the example to analyse the phonetic phenomena below in terms
of the degree of assimilation; the direction of assimilation; the stability of
assimilation and the type of discourse. Can you make your contribution to the
list of assimilation patterns.
Example: Swiss chalet                      [s] + [ʃ] = [ʃ]
When the word’s final [s] and the word’s initial [ʃ] meet in colloquial discourse
we hear [ʃ].
    1. horseshoe                           [ ] +[ ]=[ ]
    2. his shirt, one’s shadow             [z] + [ ʃ ] = [ ]
    3. good boy                            [t, d] + [b] = [ ]
    4. good girl                           [t, d] + [ ] = [ ]
    5. at peace                            [t, d] + [ ] = [ ]
    6. pet kitten                          [t, d] + [ ] = [ ]
    7. issue                               [s] + [ j] = [ ]
    8. Pass your plate                     [s] + [ ] = [ ]