Task 1. Give the definition of the word « law» in the following sentences.
Translate them into Russian.
1. It is against the law to demonstrate here. She was caught breaking the
law. Every company must by law submit accounts annually.
2. She is the Senate's expert on constitutional law.
3. Many of the laws passed by Parliament are never enforced.
4. Children soon accept social laws.
5. I was planning a career in law. There are curious parallels between
medicine and law.
6. A degree in law would be an advantage in the job market.
7. He found himself in trouble with the law again.
Task 2. Match the word combinations on the left with their Russian
equivalents on the right.
1. Law in force a) беззаконие
2. Martial law b) в рамках закона
3. To be in trouble with the law c) преподавать право
4. To carry law into effect d) совершеннолетие
5. To clarify the law e) ввести закон в действие
6. To consult the law f) действующее право/закон
7. To create new laws g) законодательный орган
8. To go to law h) обратиться к правосудию
9. To teach law i) обратиться за разъяснением к
обратиться за консультацией к
10. Within the law j) разъяснить смысл правовой
11. Law-abiding citizen k) создавать новые законы
12. Lawlessness l) законное оправдание
13. To obey the law m) судебный процесс
14. To break the law n) отменять закон
15. To repeal the law o) самому вершить правосудие
16. As the law stands p) соблюдать закон
17. To stick to the letter of the law q) нарушать закон
18. To take the law into your own
r) как гласит закон
19. Law enforcement agency s) вступать в конфликт с законом
20. Lawsuit t) военное положение
4 CHAPTER 1. SYSTEMS OF LAW Task 1. Give the definition of the word «law» in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian. 1. It is against the law to demonstrate here. She was caught breaking the law. Every company must by law submit accounts annually. 2. She is the Senate's expert on constitutional law. 3. Many of the laws passed by Parliament are never enforced. 4. Children soon accept social laws. 5. I was planning a career in law. There are curious parallels between medicine and law. 6. A degree in law would be an advantage in the job market. 7. He found himself in trouble with the law again. Task 2. Match the word combinations on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. 1. Law in force a) беззаконие 2. Martial law b) в рамках закона 3. To be in trouble with the law c) преподавать право 4. To carry law into effect d) совершеннолетие 5. To clarify the law e) ввести закон в действие 6. To consult the law f) действующее право/закон 7. To create new laws g) законодательный орган 8. To go to law h) обратиться к правосудию 9. To teach law i) обратиться за разъяснением к закону; обратиться за консультацией к юристу 10. Within the law j) разъяснить смысл правовой нормы 11. Law-abiding citizen k) создавать новые законы 12. Lawlessness l) законное оправдание 13. To obey the law m) судебный процесс 14. To break the law n) отменять закон 15. To repeal the law o) самому вершить правосудие 16. As the law stands p) соблюдать закон 17. To stick to the letter of the law q) нарушать закон 18. To take the law into your own r) как гласит закон hands 19. Law enforcement agency s) вступать в конфликт с законом 20. Lawsuit t) военное положение
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