Перевод в сфере юриспруденции. Борисова Л.А. - 15 стр.



you to be impartial. This process of questioning is called Voir Dire, a phrase
meaning “to speak the truth”.
During Voir Dire the lawyers may ask the judge to excuse you or another
member of the panel from sitting on the jury for this particular case. This is
called challenging a juror. There are two types of challenges. The first is called a
challenge for cause, which means that the lawyer has a specific reason for
thinking that the juror would not be able to be impartial. The second type of
challenge is called a peremptory challenge, which means that the lawyer does
not have to state a reason for asking that the juror be excused.
Those jurors who have not been challenged become the jury for the case.
There may be six or twelve of them. The judge may also allow selection of one
or more alternate jurors, who will serve if one of the jurors is unable to do so
because of illness or some other reason.
Then the lawyers for each side will discuss their view of the case in their
opening statements. After that the parties present evidence, which include the
testimony of witnesses, physical exhibits, etc. Sometimes the judge orders
testimony to be stricken off the record and it is not considered evidence.
Many times during the trial the lawyers may make objections to evidence
presented by the other side or to questions asked by the other lawyer. If the
objection was valid, the judge will sustain the objection. If the objection was not
valid, the judge will overrule the objection.
In the closing arguments the lawyers summarize the case from their point
of view. They may discuss the evidence or comment on the credibility of
Then the jury retires to the jury room to conduct the deliberations on the
verdict in the case they have just heard. The jury first elects a foreman. When a
verdict has been reached, the foreman signs it and informs the bailiff. The jury
returns to the courtroom, where the foreman presents the verdict.
1) ɛɟɫɩɪɢɫɬɪɚɫɬɧɵɣ;
2) ɜɫɬɭɩɢɬɟɥɶɧɚɹ ɪɟɱɶ;
3) ɜɵɱɟɪɤɧɭɬɶ ɢɡ ɩɪɨɬɨɤɨɥɚ;
4) ɜɵɧɟɫɬɢ ɜɟɪɞɢɤɬ;
5) ɡɚɤɥɸɱɢɬɟɥɶɧɚɹ ɪɟɱɶ;
6) ɦɨɬɢɜɢɪɨɜɚɧɧɵɣ ɨɬɜɨɞ;
7) ɧɟɦɨɬɢɜɢɪɨɜɚɧɧɵɣ ɨɬɜɨɞ;
8) ɨɬɜɨɞ ɩɪɢɫɹɠɧɨɝɨ;
9) ɧɚɞɟɠɧɨɫɬɶ ɫɜɢɞɟɬɟɥɹ;
10) ɩɪɢɧɹɬɶ ɩɪɨɬɟɫɬ;
11) ɨɬɤɥɨɧɢɬɶ ɩɪɨɬɟɫɬ;
12) ɩɪɢɫɹɠɧɵɟ, ɩɨɞɨɛɪɚɧɧɵɟ
ɞɥɹ ɫɭɞɟɛɧɨɝɨ
ɪɚɫɫɦɨɬɪɟɧɢɹ ɞɟɥɚ;
13) ɩɨɤɚɡɚɧɢɹ ɫɜɢɞɟɬɟɥɟɣ.
14) ɩɪɢɧɹɬɶ ɩɪɢɫɹɝɭ;
15) ɩɪɢɫɹɠɧɵɣ ɡɚɩɚɫɧɨɝɨ
16) ɫɨɫɬɚɜ ɩɪɢɫɹɠɧɵɯ;
17) ɭɞɚɥɹɬɶɫɹ ɜ ɤɨɦɧɚɬɭ ɞɥɹ
ɫɨɜɟɳɚɧɢɣ ɩɪɢɫɹɠɧɵɯ;
18) ɫɨɜɟɳɚɧɢɟ ɩɪɢɫɹɠɧɵɯ;
19) ɫɬɚɪɲɢɧɚ ɩɪɢɫɹɠɧɵɯ.
you to be impartial. This process of questioning is called Voir Dire, a phrase
meaning “to speak the truth”.
       During Voir Dire the lawyers may ask the judge to excuse you or another
member of the panel from sitting on the jury for this particular case. This is
called challenging a juror. There are two types of challenges. The first is called a
challenge for cause, which means that the lawyer has a specific reason for
thinking that the juror would not be able to be impartial. The second type of
challenge is called a peremptory challenge, which means that the lawyer does
not have to state a reason for asking that the juror be excused.
       Those jurors who have not been challenged become the jury for the case.
There may be six or twelve of them. The judge may also allow selection of one
or more alternate jurors, who will serve if one of the jurors is unable to do so
because of illness or some other reason.
       Then the lawyers for each side will discuss their view of the case in their
opening statements. After that the parties present evidence, which include the
testimony of witnesses, physical exhibits, etc. Sometimes the judge orders
testimony to be stricken off the record and it is not considered evidence.
Many times during the trial the lawyers may make objections to evidence
presented by the other side or to questions asked by the other lawyer. If the
objection was valid, the judge will sustain the objection. If the objection was not
valid, the judge will overrule the objection.
       In the closing arguments the lawyers summarize the case from their point
of view. They may discuss the evidence or comment on the credibility of
       Then the jury retires to the jury room to conduct the deliberations on the
verdict in the case they have just heard. The jury first elects a foreman. When a
verdict has been reached, the foreman signs it and informs the bailiff. The jury
returns to the courtroom, where the foreman presents the verdict.

   1) ���������������;                           12) ���������, �����������
   2) ������������� ����;                             ��� ���������
   3) ���������� �� ���������;                        ������������ ����;
   4) ������� �������;                           13) ��������� ����������.
   5) �������������� ����;                       14) ������� �������;
   6) �������������� �����;                      15) ��������� ���������
   7) ���������������� �����;                         �������;
   8) ����� ����������;                          16) ������ ���������;
   9) ���������� ���������;                      17) ��������� � ������� ���
   10) ������� �������;                               ��������� ���������;
   11) ��������� �������;                        18) ��������� ���������;
                                                 19) �������� ���������.
