Методические указания по работе с темой "Clothes and Fashions". Дедова С.А - 12 стр.



He wore a fur-lined overcoat with broad astrakhan lapels and a silk hat.
(E. Waugh)
The sweater was high in the neck for warmth, with long sleeves. It fitted
perfectly, long and snug around the hips with a cuff that could be turned
up waist high if he wanted it that way, snug at the wrists, shoulders and
neck easy and right. (A. Fairbairn)
He wore one of those sports costumes called ensembles in the mens shop
advertisements, shirt and trousers matching. (W. Faulkner)
But he stood, eventually, his trousers hanging a little baggily over his
shoes, and drew the booklet from his inside pocket. (J. Hunter)
The cuffs of his sleeves were frayed to the lining and the dark suit was
badly fitted. (B. Malamud)
He wore stained and shapeless grey flannel trousers, a broad leather belt
round his narrow waist, and an open-necked blue shirt that echoed his
bright eyes. (M. Dickens)
Michael unbuttoned his coat and let it flop around him in the mild wind.
(I. Show)
He was always dressed in conservative dark suits, starched white shirts,
black shoes, and a maroon bow tie. He had dozens of bow ties in various
widths and length, but every one of them was of some shade of maroon.
(E. Caldwell)
Betty was wearing black velvet slacks, a colorful tight sweater, and flat-
heeled white shoes. (E. Caldwell)
She was wearing a head square of white silk tied under her chin and the
free corners flipped as she moved. (W. Golding)
She was dressed in the height of style, her shoulders padded, her hat tilted
over one eye. (C.P. Snow)
She went shopping at Bendels, where she bought a short, dark green
chiffon dress that matched her eyes, a pair of slender brown pumps and a
matching purse. (S.Sheldon)
She had gotten a run in her stocking when she broke the heal of her shoe,
and had had to change clothes. (S.Sheldon)
Even for a tourist, his dress was hysterical. Dark sunglasses with yellow
frames, brown straw sandals, obviously brand-new, with black socks, a
tight Hawaiian luau shirt with so loud colors and a pair of gold gym shorts
that were very old and very short and covered little of the shiny, sickly
white legs under the table. (J. Grisham)
In a rest room on the first floor she changed into khaki walking shorts,
Bass loafers and a navy knit pullover. It was a cool outfit, a little out of
season, but she was headed for warmer weather. She pulled her shoulder-
length hair into a pony tail and forced it under her collar. She changed
sunglasses and stuffed the dress, heels and panty hose into a canval gym
bag. (J. Grisham)
c) Translate the sentences into Russian in a literary form.
d) Use your translations into Russian for back translation. Work in
24. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Когда Ирина подошла к примерочной, она увидела, что ее
подруга примеряет нарядное платье.
2. Не советуй ей покупать эту блузку. Она не идет ей.
3. Вчера я купила замшевые перчатки. Они тесны мне. Если
хотите, я могу отдать их вам. Спасибо. Я возьму их с
удовольствием, если подойдет размер.
4. Мне нужно купить чулки, носки и красный кожаный ремешок
для моего нового платья.
5. Летом я предпочитаю носить платья из ситца. В них не так
жарко, как в шелковых.
6. Помоги мне выбрать туфли. Примерь те коричневые. Мне
кажется, что они подойдут к твоему зеленому костюму.
7. Послушайте моего совета, не берите это пальто. Оно уже не
модно. То, серое, гораздо лучше. Я уверена, что оно будет
хорошо сидеть на вас. Пройдите в примерочную. О, пальто
действительно изумительное.
25. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Девочка была очень бедно одета: платье её было выпущено до
последнего предела, и подол был обтрёпан; боковые швы были
расставлены кусочками ткани, не подходившими по цвету. Было видно,
что парусиновые туфли ей малы и жмут, а из левой туфли вылез палец.
Мисс Браун почувствовала угрызения совести, что она до сих пор не
•   He wore a fur-lined overcoat with broad astrakhan lapels and a silk hat.           that were very old and very short and covered little of the shiny, sickly
    (E. Waugh)                                                                         white legs under the table. (J. Grisham)
•   The sweater was high in the neck for warmth, with long sleeves. It fitted      • In a rest room on the first floor she changed into khaki walking shorts,
    perfectly, long and snug around the hips with a cuff that could be turned          Bass loafers and a navy knit pullover. It was a cool outfit, a little out of
    up waist high if he wanted it that way, snug at the wrists, shoulders and          season, but she was headed for warmer weather. She pulled her shoulder-
    neck easy and right. (A. Fairbairn)                                                length hair into a pony tail and forced it under her collar. She changed
•   He wore one of those sports costumes called ensembles in the men’s shop            sunglasses and stuffed the dress, heels and panty hose into a canval gym
    advertisements, shirt and trousers matching. (W. Faulkner)                         bag. (J. Grisham)
•   But he stood, eventually, his trousers hanging a little baggily over his              c) Translate the sentences into Russian in a literary form.
    shoes, and drew the booklet from his inside pocket. (J. Hunter)                       d) Use your translations into Russian for back translation. Work in
•   The cuffs of his sleeves were frayed to the lining and the dark suit was       pairs.
    badly fitted. (B. Malamud)
•   He wore stained and shapeless grey flannel trousers, a broad leather belt      24. Translate the following sentences into English.
    round his narrow waist, and an open-necked blue shirt that echoed his                1. Когда Ирина подошла к примерочной, она увидела, что ее
    bright eyes. (M. Dickens)                                                                 подруга примеряет нарядное платье.
•   Michael unbuttoned his coat and let it flop around him in the mild wind.             2. Не советуй ей покупать эту блузку. Она не идет ей.
    (I. Show)                                                                            3. Вчера я купила замшевые перчатки. Они тесны мне. Если
•   He was always dressed in conservative dark suits, starched white shirts,                  хотите, я могу отдать их вам. – Спасибо. Я возьму их с
                                                                                              удовольствием, если подойдет размер.
    black shoes, and a maroon bow tie. He had dozens of bow ties in various
                                                                                         4. Мне нужно купить чулки, носки и красный кожаный ремешок
    widths and length, but every one of them was of some shade of maroon.
                                                                                              для моего нового платья.
    (E. Caldwell)
                                                                                         5. Летом я предпочитаю носить платья из ситца. В них не так
•   Betty was wearing black velvet slacks, a colorful tight sweater, and flat-
                                                                                              жарко, как в шелковых.
    heeled white shoes. (E. Caldwell)
                                                                                         6. Помоги мне выбрать туфли. – Примерь те коричневые. Мне
•   She was wearing a head square of white silk tied under her chin and the
                                                                                              кажется, что они подойдут к твоему зеленому костюму.
    free corners flipped as she moved. (W. Golding)
                                                                                         7. Послушайте моего совета, не берите это пальто. Оно уже не
•   She was dressed in the height of style, her shoulders padded, her hat tilted
                                                                                              модно. То, серое, гораздо лучше. Я уверена, что оно будет
    over one eye. (C.P. Snow)
                                                                                              хорошо сидеть на вас. Пройдите в примерочную. – О, пальто
•   She went shopping at Bendel’s, where she bought a short, dark green                       действительно изумительное.
    chiffon dress that matched her eyes, a pair of slender brown pumps and a
    matching purse. (S.Sheldon)                                                    25. Translate the following sentences into English.
•   She had gotten a run in her stocking when she broke the heal of her shoe,            1. Девочка была очень бедно одета: платье её было выпущено до
    and had had to change clothes. (S.Sheldon)                                     последнего предела, и подол был обтрёпан; боковые швы были
•   Even for a tourist, his dress was hysterical. Dark sunglasses with yellow      расставлены кусочками ткани, не подходившими по цвету. Было видно,
    frames, brown straw sandals, obviously brand-new, with black socks, a          что парусиновые туфли ей малы и жмут, а из левой туфли вылез палец.
    tight Hawaiian luau shirt with so loud colors and a pair of gold gym shorts    Мисс Браун почувствовала угрызения совести, что она до сих пор не
                                      23                                                                                 24