Accepting an invitation
I would be delighted to, I would be
honoured to, I am writing to accept your
kind invitation, etc
I'd love to come, Thanks for the kind invi-
tation, The party you invited me to sounds
lovely, I'd be glad to, e
I will be attending, I look forward to
seeing you, etc
I can't wait to see you again, Until next
Saturday then, etc
Refusing an invitation
It will be impossible to attend, I am un-
able to fit it into my schedule, I am
afraid I am unable to, I have to refuse,
Owing to other commit
ments, etc
I'm afraid I can't come, I'm sorry to tell
you, I'd love to come but, I can't make it, I
won't be able to come, etc
I am sorry to miss the opportunity of, I
hope to be given the opportunity to meet
you some other time, etc
It's a real shame, I hope we can get together
some other time, I'm sorry to miss, How
about next week instead, etc
Asking for information
Formal Informal Opening
I am writing to ask/inquire about, Could
you possibly send, May I request, I
would be grateful if, Could you please
send further details, etc
Can you send me, Tell me if, Let me know,
I would appreciate it if you could inform
me as
soon as possible, I look forward to
receiving, It would be of great help if
you could fax me the details, etc
Let me know, Tell me soon, Send me the
details, etc
Giving information
I am writing to inform you about, In re-
ply to your query, The following infor-
mation is what was requested, I am
pleased to be able to assist you in your
enquiries, etc
After you asked me to, This is what I found
out, I hope this is the information you were
looking for, This is what you asked me
about, etc
I hope that I have been of some help to
you, I trust that this is the information
you require, Please inform me if I can
be of any further assistance, etc
I hope this will help you, Let me know if
you need any more help finding out about,
I'm glad I could help you, etc
Letters of advice
I strongly recommend that, I would sug-
gest that, I believe the best course of
action is, I would advise you to, etc
If I were you, How about doing this, Why
don't you, Let me give you some advice, etc
61 APPENDIX Accepting an invitation Opening Formal Informal Remarks I would be delighted to, I would be I'd love to come, Thanks for the kind invi- honoured to, I am writing to accept your tation, The party you invited me to sounds kind invitation, etc lovely, I'd be glad to, etc Closing I will be attending, I look forward to I can't wait to see you again, Until next Remarks seeing you, etc Saturday then, etc Refusing an invitation Opening Formal Informal Remarks It will be impossible to attend, I am un- I'm afraid I can't come, I'm sorry to tell able to fit it into my schedule, I am you, I'd love to come but, I can't make it, I afraid I am unable to, I have to refuse, won't be able to come, etc Owing to other commitments, etc Closing I am sorry to miss the opportunity of, I It's a real shame, I hope we can get together Remarks hope to be given the opportunity to meet some other time, I'm sorry to miss, How you some other time, etc about next week instead, etc Asking for information Opening Formal Informal Remarks I am writing to ask/inquire about, Could Can you send me, Tell me if, Let me know, you possibly send, May I request, I etc would be grateful if, Could you please send further details, etc Closing I would appreciate it if you could inform Let me know, Tell me soon, Send me the Remarks me as soon as possible, I look forward to details, etc receiving, It would be of great help if you could fax me the details, etc Giving information Opening Formal Informal Remarks I am writing to inform you about, In re- After you asked me to, This is what I found ply to your query, The following infor- out, I hope this is the information you were mation is what was requested, I am looking for, This is what you asked me pleased to be able to assist you in your about, etc enquiries, etc Closing I hope that I have been of some help to I hope this will help you, Let me know if Remarks you, I trust that this is the information you need any more help finding out about, you require, Please inform me if I can I'm glad I could help you, etc be of any further assistance, etc Letters of advice Opening Formal Informal Remarks I strongly recommend that, I would sug- If I were you, How about doing this, Why gest that, I believe the best course of don't you, Let me give you some advice, etc action is, I would advise you to, etc