I trust you will accept this advice, I hope
this will be of help, I would very much
like to know if this was helpful/has been
of some use, etc
Hope this helped, Let me know how it
went, Is this of any use, etc
Letters of invitation
Formal Informal Opening
We would be honoured if you, I wish to
dially invite you to, Your presence is
required at, You are invited to attend,
I am writing to invite you to, Why don't
you come and spend some time, Please
come to, I'd love it if you could come to,
We would be grateful if you could in-
form us, We hope to see you, Please
indicate whether you will be able to at-
tend, etc
I'd love to see you again, I hope you'll be
able to make it, Please let me know as soon
as possible, I'm looking forward to, etc
Letters giving directions
I have enclosed some directions and a
map, I would be delighted if you could
attend, and to ensure you can find your
way I will write some detailed directions
below, In case you do not know the exact
location of the...hotel/venue, I have in-
cluded some directions, If you follow the
directions below/map below..., etc
In case you don't know the way I'll give
you some directions, Here are a few di-
rections, so you don't get lost, I'll tell you
how to get there, This is just a quick
note, to tell you how to get to..., I've
written some directions, and drawn a
map to help, etc
I trust that you will find these directions
helpful, I hope that you are able to follow
the directions given, etc
I hope the directions above are clear
enough for you, I hope that you can find
your way alright, Please pay special at-
tention to the directions, My directions
shouldn't be too difficult to follow, etc
Application for a job
I am writing with regard to your advertisement, I would like to apply for the post of,
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience, I look forward to meeting
you, Please contact me regarding any queries you may have, etc
Letters of apology
Formal Informal Opening
Unfortunately I must apologise for...,
Please accept my sincerest apologies
for..., How can I apologise enough
for..., I must apologise profusely
for..., etc
I hope you will understand when I say that,
What can I say, except I'm sorry that..., I cer-
tainly owe you an apology as I..., I'm so sorry
if I upset you in any way, I find it very hard to
tell you that...and I'm sorry for..., I can't de-
scribe how sorry I am and how guilty I feel,
62 Closing I trust you will accept this advice, I hope Hope this helped, Let me know how it Remarks this will be of help, I would very much went, Is this of any use, etc like to know if this was helpful/has been of some use, etc Letters of invitation Opening Formal Informal Remarks We would be honoured if you, I wish to I am writing to invite you to, Why don't cordially invite you to, Your presence is you come and spend some time, Please required at, You are invited to attend, come to, I'd love it if you could come to, etc etc Closing We would be grateful if you could in- I'd love to see you again, I hope you'll be Remarks form us, We hope to see you, Please able to make it, Please let me know as soon indicate whether you will be able to at- as possible, I'm looking forward to, etc tend, etc Letters giving directions Opening Formal Informal Remarks I have enclosed some directions and a In case you don't know the way I'll give map, I would be delighted if you could you some directions, Here are a few di- attend, and to ensure you can find your rections, so you don't get lost, I'll tell you way I will write some detailed directions how to get there, This is just a quick below, In case you do not know the exact note, to tell you how to get to..., I've location of the...hotel/venue, I have in- written some directions, and drawn a cluded some directions, If you follow the map to help, etc directions below/map below..., etc Closing I trust that you will find these directions I hope the directions above are clear Remarks helpful, I hope that you are able to follow enough for you, I hope that you can find the directions given, etc your way alright, Please pay special at- tention to the directions, My directions shouldn't be too difficult to follow, etc Application for a job Opening I am writing with regard to your advertisement, I would like to apply for the post of, Remarks Closing I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience, I look forward to meeting Remarks you, Please contact me regarding any queries you may have, etc Letters of apology Opening Formal Informal Remarks Unfortunately I must apologise for..., I hope you will understand when I say that, Please accept my sincerest apologies What can I say, except I'm sorry that..., I cer- for..., How can I apologise enough tainly owe you an apology as I..., I'm so sorry for..., I must apologise profusely if I upset you in any way, I find it very hard to for..., etc tell you that...and I'm sorry for..., I can't de- scribe how sorry I am and how guilty I feel, etc