Учебно-методическое пособие по чтению специальной литературы для студентов 1 курса физического факультета. Дроздова И.В - 32 стр.


Here is another statement of the second law:
It is impossible for heat to flow spontaneously from a colder body to a
hotter body.
Comprehension check
Read the text more carefully and answer the questions.
1. What do the first law and the second law of thermodynamics tell you?
2. Distinguish between thermal efficiency and ideal efficiency.
3. What is the dynamics of heat?
4. In what way does the heat engine operate?
5. What does the third law of thermodynamics tell you?
6. Is it possible to construct an engine which will work in a cycle and produce
continuous work, or kinetic energy, from nothing?
In small groups of students explain the following:
1. In terms of entropy, why do occupied rooms tend to get messy? What happens
when a room is cleaned up?
2. You are teaching a group of fourteen or fifteen year olds. Explain to them three
laws of thermodynamics.
Keys (Unit III): 1. B; 2. D; 3. A; 4. D.
I. Notice how the following figures are said in English:
28% twenty eight percent
four squared
10.2 ten point two 8
eight to the power of four
1/5 one fifth 7
seven cubed
2/5 two fifths
27 the cube root of 27
4/7 four sevenths
16 the square root of sixteen
1 2/3 one and two thirds 10 m x 12 m ten metres by twelve metres
9/13 nine thirteenths or nine over
32°C or F thirty two degrees centigrade /
Celsius or Fahrenheit
1.623.457 one million, six hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and
The numeral 0 can be read differently in different contexts:
E.g. My phone number is six 0 [ u] two seven.
Italy beat Spain two nil in the football match.
You must subtract nought point seven.

Here is another statement of the second law:
         It is impossible for heat to flow spontaneously from a colder body to a
                                     hotter body.

Comprehension check
Read the text more carefully and answer the questions.
1. What do the first law and the second law of thermodynamics tell you?
2. Distinguish between thermal efficiency and ideal efficiency.
3. What is the dynamics of heat?
4. In what way does the heat engine operate?
5. What does the third law of thermodynamics tell you?
6. Is it possible to construct an engine which will work in a cycle and produce
   continuous work, or kinetic energy, from nothing?

In small groups of students explain the following:
1. In terms of entropy, why do occupied rooms tend to get messy? What happens
    when a room is cleaned up?
2. You are teaching a group of fourteen or fifteen year olds. Explain to them three
    laws of thermodynamics.


Keys (Unit III): 1. B; 2. D; 3. A; 4. D.

I. Notice how the following figures are said in English:
  28% twenty eight per′cent          4 four squared
  10.2 ten point two                 8 4 eight to the power of four
  1/5 one fifth                      7 3 seven cubed
  2/5 two fifths                       √27 the cube root of 27
  4/7 four sevenths                  √16 the square root of sixteen
  1 2/3 one and two thirds           10 m x 12 m ten metres by twelve metres
  9/13 nine thirteenths or nine over 32°C or F thirty two degrees centigrade /
  thirteen                           Celsius or Fahrenheit

1.623.457 one million, six hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and

The numeral “0” can be read differently in different contexts:
E.g. My phone number is six 0 [∂ u] two seven.
      Italy beat Spain two nil in the football match.
      You must subtract nought point seven.