It was ten degrees below zero in Canada yesterday.
John McEnroe is leading forty love in this game (tennis).
0.2 two tenths or nought point two or point two or zero point two.
In the USA: thousand, million, billion, trillion
In Britain: thousand, million, milliard, billion
i.e. в американском тексте “ billion” означает 10
, т.е. миллиард , а в английском
тексте 10
, т.е. триллион.
II. The plural of the nouns of Greek and Latin origin:
phenomenon phenomena
criterion criteria
analysis analyses
crisis crises
nucleus nuclei
formula formulae, formulas
datum data
medium media, mediums
nebula nebulae
III. Latin terms and abbreviations:
IBIDEM (IB, IBID) = in the cited source – там же
IN SITU = at the site - на месте
PER SE = by itself – само по себе
CONDITIO SINE QUA NON = indispensable condition – непременное условие
VIA = through – путем
VIZ = namely – а именно, то есть
STATUS QUO = initial condition – исходное положение, в первоначальном виде
ERGO = consequently – следовательно
PROVISO = on condition that - при условии
SIC! = important - важно; подлинник
AD HOC = made, arranged for a particular purpose – специальный, устроенный
для данной цели
IV. Signs and Symbols
> greater than (bigger)
≥ greater than or equal to
< less than (smaller)
≤ less than or equal to
± plus or minus
≠ not equal to
( ) all enclosed are to be treated together
33 It was ten degrees below zero in Canada yesterday. John McEnroe is leading forty love in this game (tennis). 0.2 two tenths or nought point two or point two or zero point two. In the USA: thousand, million, billion, trillion In Britain: thousand, million, milliard, billion i.e. в американском тексте “billion” означает 109 , т.е. миллиард, а в английском тексте 1012, т.е. триллион. II. The plural of the nouns of Greek and Latin origin: phenomenon phenomena criterion criteria analysis analyses crisis crises nucleus nuclei formula formulae, formulas datum data medium media, mediums nebula nebulae III. Latin terms and abbreviations: IBIDEM (IB, IBID) = in the cited source – там же IN SITU = at the site - на месте PER SE = by itself – само по себе CONDITIO SINE QUA NON = indispensable condition – непременное условие VIA = through – путем VIZ = namely – а именно, то есть STATUS QUO = initial condition – исходное положение, в первоначальном виде ERGO = consequently – следовательно PROVISO = on condition that - при условии SIC! = important - важно; подлинник AD HOC = made, arranged for a particular purpose – специальный, устроенный для данной цели IV. Signs and Symbols > greater than (bigger) ≥ greater than or equal to < less than (smaller) ≤ less than or equal to ± plus or minus ≠ not equal to () all enclosed are to be treated together
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