Английский язык. Дьякова Н.П. - 41 стр.



needs to be soaked and cooked before use. Fish that is dried naturally becomes desic-
cated and undergoes complicated biochemical protein changes as a result of which
it loses its raw flavour, loses moisture from the flesh, and becomes permeated with fat.
It can then be eaten as it is without cooking. Naturally-dried salted Caspian roach has
a wide market in Russia, and naturally – dried salted sturgeon and salmon fillets
("balyk") are unsurpassed for flavour.
The curing of smelt and other small fish by hot drying is a widespread and com-
mercially important method of processing. In recent years vacuum drying has been
used more and more, and this form of dehydration has become a method of preserva-
tion and treatment of great economic importance.
Drying under natural conditions. Fish dried under natural conditions
at a temperature not exceeding 35
C, give a tasty and valuable product. The fish are
usually hung on racks in the open air in wars and dry weather, or are dried in special
chambers with artificially ventilated warm air. Thermal conditions of this kind do not
expose the flesh to heat denaturation, and the proteins suffer little change. The en-
zymes in the cells and tissues do not break down and so are able to catalyse changes
in the proteins and fat, and conditions are right for the fish to mature. The drying
process consists, in effect, of a gradual loss of weight moisture evaporation. At the
same time, complex biochemical processes take place that considerably alter the taste
and external appearance of the fish, and make it readily consumable as it is,
in uncooked form.
Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык словосочетания.
Drying of fish; to require complicated equipment; a long storage life; to utilize
natural and mechanical drying; to lose moisture; Caspian roach; to unsurpass for fla-
vour; the form of dehydration; the temperature not exeeding 35
C; proteins suffer little
change; conditions are right for the fish to mature; gradual loss of weight; to alter the
taste and external appearance of the fish; moisture evaporation.
Задание 3. Переведите на английский язык словосочетания.
Вяление рыбы в естественных (природных) условиях; развешивать рыбу
на жердях; специальные камеры с искусственно вентилируемым теплым возду-
хом; ферменты в клетках и тканях не распадаются; изменять вкус и внешний вид
рыбы; обезвоженная рыба; пропитываться жиром; терять вкус сырой рыбы; под-
вергаться сложным биохимическим изменениям; обеспечивать продукту дли-
тельное хранение; вялить рыбу при температуре не выше 35
по Цельсию в есте-
ственных условиях; широко распространенный способ обработки рыбы; вобла
и корюшка.
Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. Why is drying one of the oldest ways of preserving fish?
2. What methods of drying are used (utilized)?
3. What happens to fish while drying under natural conditions?
needs to be soaked and cooked before use. Fish that is dried naturally becomes desic-
cated and undergoes complicated biochemical protein changes as a result of which
it loses its raw flavour, loses moisture from the flesh, and becomes permeated with fat.
It can then be eaten as it is without cooking. Naturally-dried salted Caspian roach has
a wide market in Russia, and naturally – dried salted sturgeon and salmon fillets
("balyk") are unsurpassed for flavour.
      The curing of smelt and other small fish by hot drying is a widespread and com-
mercially important method of processing. In recent years vacuum drying has been
used more and more, and this form of dehydration has become a method of preserva-
tion and treatment of great economic importance.
      Drying under natural conditions. Fish dried under natural conditions
at a temperature not exceeding 350C, give a tasty and valuable product. The fish are
usually hung on racks in the open air in wars and dry weather, or are dried in special
chambers with artificially ventilated warm air. Thermal conditions of this kind do not
expose the flesh to heat denaturation, and the proteins suffer little change. The en-
zymes in the cells and tissues do not break down and so are able to catalyse changes
in the proteins and fat, and conditions are right for the fish to mature. The drying
process consists, in effect, of a gradual loss of weight moisture evaporation. At the
same time, complex biochemical processes take place that considerably alter the taste
and external appearance of the fish, and make it readily consumable as it is,
in uncooked form.

Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык словосочетания.
     Drying of fish; to require complicated equipment; a long storage life; to utilize
natural and mechanical drying; to lose moisture; Caspian roach; to unsurpass for fla-
vour; the form of dehydration; the temperature not exeeding 350C; proteins suffer little
change; conditions are right for the fish to mature; gradual loss of weight; to alter the
taste and external appearance of the fish; moisture evaporation.

Задание 3. Переведите на английский язык словосочетания.
    Вяление рыбы в естественных (природных) условиях; развешивать рыбу
на жердях; специальные камеры с искусственно вентилируемым теплым возду-
хом; ферменты в клетках и тканях не распадаются; изменять вкус и внешний вид
рыбы; обезвоженная рыба; пропитываться жиром; терять вкус сырой рыбы; под-
вергаться сложным биохимическим изменениям; обеспечивать продукту дли-
тельное хранение; вялить рыбу при температуре не выше 350 по Цельсию в есте-
ственных условиях; широко распространенный способ обработки рыбы; вобла
и корюшка.

Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
   1. Why is drying one of the oldest ways of preserving fish?
   2. What methods of drying are used (utilized)?
   3. What happens to fish while drying under natural conditions?
