Английский язык. Дьякова Н.П. - 43 стр.



tissue ткань
enzyme фермент
to break down распадаться
be able to быть способным
to catalyse катализировать
to mature созревать
in effect в результате
gradual постепенный
weight вес
evaporation испарение
at the same time в то же время
to take place иметь место
to alter менять, изменять
external внешний
appearance внешний вид
readily мягко, свободно
consumable съедобный
Вариант 5
Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Salting is both a method of preserving fish and a preliminary operation to smok-
ing, drying and marinading.
Many types of salted fish in which a pleasant flavour and aroma are produced by
salting. In a narrow sense, salting is a combination of operations by which fish is
placed in contact with salt (whether as crystals or in solution) and allowed to become
permeated by it. These operations include mixing the fish with salt, laying and keeping
the fish in the container in which it is salted.
Salting may also be regarded as the combination of physico-chemical processes by
which salt penetrates the fish, and moisture is forced out of the tissues, producing
a change in weight.
Salt solutions are known as brine. Brine that has formed as a result of salt reacting
on the fish is called natural brine and brine prepared by dissolving salt in water – artifi-
cial. The feature of the natural brine is that it contains certain proportion of dissolved
or suspended organic matter. The amount of salt used is sometimes more than can be
dissolved in the water contained in the fish. Some undissolved salt (known as excess
salt) then remains in the vat after the fish are removed and there is also
a sediment of skin, coagulated proteins, fragments of fins, etc.
Preservative action of salt.
When common salt is introduced into fish in sufficient
quantity it arrests autolysis and spoilage. The common salt not only causes plasmolysis
in the bacterial cell but also blocks the protein nuclei which are effected by enzymes.
    tissue                              ткань
    enzyme                              фермент
    to break down                       распадаться
    be able to                          быть способным
    to catalyse                         катализировать
    to mature                           созревать
    in effect                           в результате
    gradual                             постепенный
    weight                              вес
    evaporation                         испарение
    at the same time                    в то же время
    to take place                       иметь место
    to alter                            менять, изменять
    external                            внешний
    appearance                          внешний вид
    readily                             мягко, свободно
    consumable                          съедобный

                                          Вариант 5

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


     Salting is both a method of preserving fish and a preliminary operation to smok-
ing, drying and marinading.
     Many types of salted fish in which a pleasant flavour and aroma are produced by
salting. In a narrow sense, salting is a combination of operations by which fish is
placed in contact with salt (whether as crystals or in solution) and allowed to become
permeated by it. These operations include mixing the fish with salt, laying and keeping
the fish in the container in which it is salted.
     Salting may also be regarded as the combination of physico-chemical processes by
which salt penetrates the fish, and moisture is forced out of the tissues, producing
a change in weight.
     Salt solutions are known as brine. Brine that has formed as a result of salt reacting
on the fish is called natural brine and brine prepared by dissolving salt in water – artifi-
cial. The feature of the natural brine is that it contains certain proportion of dissolved
or suspended organic matter. The amount of salt used is sometimes more than can be
dissolved in the water contained in the fish. Some undissolved salt (known as excess
salt) then remains in the vat after the fish are removed and there is also
a sediment of skin, coagulated proteins, fragments of fins, etc.
     Preservative action of salt. When common salt is introduced into fish in sufficient
quantity it arrests autolysis and spoilage. The common salt not only causes plasmolysis
in the bacterial cell but also blocks the protein nuclei which are effected by enzymes.