18th Century Britain. Иностранный язык. Фомина И.В. - 10 стр.



2. The country was ruled more brutally and openly than ever before as a
colony existing for the exclusive benefit of the English.
3. All matters relating to the governing of the kingdom which were the
responsibility of the Privy Council were to be translated there.
4. All resolutions taken thereupon were to be signed by the individual
5. They were members of the House of Commons and were supported by a
majority of it in the implementation of a policy approved by the country.
6. Looking back, we can see the collaboration between the British kings
ministers and the representatives of his people.
7. It was better than the uncontrolled power of a legislature.
8. The Act of Union was intended to strengthen the country weakened with the
War of the Spanish Succession.
9. From a country poor in natural resources and rich in native talent trained in one
of the best educational systems of the time, the Scots invaded the English colonies
and England itself.
10. Queen Anne had no surviving children.
Ex. 9. Translate from Russian into English:
Наследовать, наследный (наследственный ) правитель, право наследования,
налогообложение, искусно изготовленный , радикальное новшество , нашествие
якобитов, укреплять страну, народный талант, основные принципы,
финансовая система .
Ex. 10. Ask 10 12 different questions to the text.
Ex. 11. Retell the text.
Unit III
Political Parties
Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words and expressions.
Supremacy [ ] (n) верховная власть, превосходство
Cavalier [ ] (n) рыцарь, кавалерист, роялист
Roundhead [ ] (n) круглоголовый , пуританин
Evolve [ ] (v) развивать( ся), намечать (план), развертываться
Justify [ ] (v) оправдывать, подтверждать
2.    The country was ruled more brutally and openly than ever before as a
colony existing for the exclusive benefit of the English.
3.    All matters relating to the governing of the kingdom which were the
responsibility of the Privy Council were to be translated there.
4.    All resolutions taken thereupon were to be signed by the individual
5.    They were members of the House of Commons and were supported by a
majority of it in the implementation of a policy approved by the country.
6.    Looking back, we can see the collaboration between the British king’s
ministers and the representatives of his people.
7.    It was better than the uncontrolled power of a legislature.
8.    The Act of Union was intended to strengthen the country weakened with the
War of the Spanish Succession.
9.    From a country poor in natural resources and rich in native talent trained in one
of the best educational systems of the time, the Scots invaded the English colonies
and England itself.
10. Queen Anne had no surviving children.

Ex. 9. Translate from Russian into English:

Наследовать, наследный (наследственный) правитель, право наследования,
налогообложение, искусно изготовленный, радикальное новшество, нашествие
якобитов,    укреплять страну, народный талант, основные принципы,
финансовая система.

Ex. 10. Ask 10—12 different questions to the text.

Ex. 11. Retell the text.

                                       Unit III

                                   Political Parties

Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words and expressions.

Supremacy [                      ] (n) – верховная власть, превосходство
Cavalier [                 ] (n) – рыцарь, кавалерист, роялист
Roundhead [                     ] (n) – круглоголовый, пуританин
Evolve [              ] (v) – развивать(ся), намечать (план), развертываться
Justify [           ] (v) – оправдывать, подтверждать