1. William III had to do much to secure his hold, not only upon England but upon
Scotland and Wales.
2. In July 1690 James defeated William at the battle of Boyne.
3. In October 1691 the last Irish general surrendered at Limerick after a brilliant
but hopeless struggle.
4. William promised religious toleration for the Irish Protestants.
5. In Scotland the new regime was accepted without much opposition.
6. After William the Conqueror and Mary had been declared king and queen,
Parliament added to the laws of the constitution.
7. The Septennial Act, 1715, declared the normal term of Parliament’s existence
from seven to three years.
Ex. 13. Ask 10-12 different questions to the text.
Ex. 14. Retell the text.
Unit II
The Union between England and Scotland
Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words and expressions.
Succeed [ ] (v) – наследовать
Reign [ ] (n) – царствование
Taxation [ ] (n) – обложение налогом, взимание налога , размер налога
Unify [ ] (v) – объединять, унифицировать
Skillfully engineered [ ] – искусно спроектированный
Radical innovation [ ] – радикальное новшество
Adopt [ ] (v) – принимать, брать по выбору, перенимать
Succession [ ] (n) – последовательность, преемственность,
право наследования, порядок престолонаследия
Foreign policy [ ] – внешняя политика
Strengthen [ ] (v) – усиливать, укреплять
Obtain [ ] (v) – получать, приобретать, быть признанным , применяться
Native talent [ ] - народный талант
Customs officers [ ] – офицер таможни
District magistrate [ ] – член районного магистрата
Fiscal [ ] (adj) – фискальный , финансовый
Heir [ ] (n) – наследник
Hereditary ruler [ ] – наследный / наследственный правитель
7 1. William III had to do much to secure his hold, not only upon England but upon Scotland and Wales. 2. In July 1690 James defeated William at the battle of Boyne. 3. In October 1691 the last Irish general surrendered at Limerick after a brilliant but hopeless struggle. 4. William promised religious toleration for the Irish Protestants. 5. In Scotland the new regime was accepted without much opposition. 6. After William the Conqueror and Mary had been declared king and queen, Parliament added to the laws of the constitution. 7. The Septennial Act, 1715, declared the normal term of Parliament’s existence from seven to three years. Ex. 13. Ask 10-12 different questions to the text. Ex. 14. Retell the text. Unit II The Union between England and Scotland Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words and expressions. Succeed [ ] (v) – наследовать Reign [ ] (n) – царствование Taxation [ ] (n) – обложение налогом, взимание налога, размер налога Unify [ ] (v) – объединять, унифицировать Skillfully engineered [ ] – искусно спроектированный Radical innovation [ ] – радикальное новшество Adopt [ ] (v) – принимать, брать по выбору, перенимать Succession [ ] (n) – последовательность, преемственность, право наследования, порядок престолонаследия Foreign policy [ ] – внешняя политика Strengthen [ ] (v) – усиливать, укреплять Obtain [ ] (v) – получать, приобретать, быть признанным, применяться Native talent [ ] - народный талант Customs officers [ ] – офицер таможни District magistrate [ ] – член районного магистрата Fiscal [ ] (adj) – фискальный, финансовый Heir [ ] (n) – наследник Hereditary ruler [ ] – наследный/наследственный правитель
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