Английский язык. Ч. 1. Гималетдинова Г.К - 35 стр.


to impress upon them man’s, any man’s miraculous ingenuity in perpetrating evil; but
it is also to impress upon them the gift of a saving recognition which, to Golding, is
apparently the only saving recognition. An orthodox phrase for this recognition is the
“conviction of sin”, an expression which grates on many contemporary ears, and yet
one which the author seemingly does not hold in derision.
Lecturing at Johns Hopkins University in the spring of 1962, Golding said
that Lord of the Flies is a study of sin. And he is a person who uses words with
precision. Sin is not to be confused with crime, which is transgression of human
law; it is instead a transgression of divine law. Nor does Golding believe that the
Jacks and Rogers are going to be reconstructed through social legislation even-
tuating in some form of utopianism – he and Conrad’s Mr. Kurtz are at one in their
evaluation of societal laws which, they agree, exercise external restraint but have
at best a slight effect on the human heart. Golding is explicit: “The theme [of Lord
of the Flies],” he writes, “is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the
defects of human nature. The moral is that the shape of a society must depend on
the ethical nature of the individual and not on any political system however ap-
parently logical or respectable.”
William Golding’s story is as old as the written word. The figure of the Lord
of the Flies, of Beelzebub, is one of the primary archetypes of the Western world.
The novel is the parable of fallen man. But it does not close the door on that man;
it entreats him to know himself and his Adversary, for he cannot do combat
against an unrecognized force, especially when it lies within him.
masterfulуверенный, властный
powerfulмогущественный влиятельный
narrationрассказ, повествование
human conditionсостояние человека
peruserчеловек, читающий внимательно
to be familiarбыть знакомым
ultimate purposeконечная цель
to impress uponвнушать, внедрять
miraculousчудотворный, сверхъестест-
ingenuityизобретательность, искус-
ность, мастерство
to perpetrate evilсовершать зло
giftдар, подарок
recognitionузнавание, признание, одоб-
orthodoxортодоксальный, правоверный,
conviction of sinсознание греховности
it grates on my earэто мне режет слух
to hold in derisionнасмехаться
precisionточность, четкость, аккурат-
confuseсмешивать, спутывать
transgressionпроступок, нарушение,
human lawчеловеческий закон
social legislationобщественное законо-
evaluationоценка, определение
external restraintвнешняя сдержанность
explicitясный, высказанный до конца
BeelzebubВельзевул, дьявол, сатана
parableпритча, иносказание
adversaryвраг, противник, соперник
to combat againstсражаться, бороться
Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте синонимы к следующим словам:
deeply, final, desire, of course, estimation, insignificant, enemy, to struggle.
Упражнение 2. Скажите, что говорилось в тексте о следующих фактах
и явлениях: the ultimate purpose, conviction of sin, Johns Hopkins University, di-

to impress upon them man’s, any man’s miraculous ingenuity in perpetrating evil; but
it is also to impress upon them the gift of a saving recognition which, to Golding, is
apparently the only saving recognition. An orthodox phrase for this recognition is the
“conviction of sin”, an expression which grates on many contemporary ears, and yet
one which the author seemingly does not hold in derision.
         Lecturing at Johns Hopkins University in the spring of 1962, Golding said
that Lord of the Flies is a study of sin. And he is a person who uses words with
precision. Sin is not to be confused with crime, which is transgression of human
law; it is instead a transgression of divine law. Nor does Golding believe that the
Jacks and Rogers are going to be reconstructed through social legislation even-
tuating in some form of utopianism – he and Conrad’s Mr. Kurtz are at one in their
evaluation of societal laws which, they agree, exercise external restraint but have
at best a slight effect on the human heart. Golding is explicit: “The theme [of Lord
of the Flies],” he writes, “is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the
defects of human nature. The moral is that the shape of a society must depend on
the ethical nature of the individual and not on any political system however ap-
parently logical or respectable.”
         William Golding’s story is as old as the written word. The figure of the Lord
of the Flies, of Beelzebub, is one of the primary archetypes of the Western world.
The novel is the parable of fallen man. But it does not close the door on that man;
it entreats him to know himself and his Adversary, for he cannot do combat
against an unrecognized force, especially when it lies within him.
masterful – уверенный, властный                  contemporary – современный
powerful – могущественный влиятельный            to hold in derision – насмехаться
narration – рассказ, повествование               precision – точность, четкость, аккурат-
human condition – состояние человека                ность
peruser – человек, читающий внимательно          confuse – смешивать, спутывать
to be familiar – быть знакомым                   transgression – проступок, нарушение,
ultimate purpose – конечная цель                    грех
state – состояние                                human law – человеческий закон
horror – ужас                                    social legislation – общественное законо-
intention – намерение                               дательство
to impress upon – внушать, внедрять              divine – божественный
miraculous – чудотворный, сверхъестест-          evaluation – оценка, определение
    венный                                       agree – соглашаться
ingenuity – изобретательность, искус-            external restraint – внешняя сдержанность
    ность, мастерство                               (самообладание)
to perpetrate evil – совершать зло               explicit – ясный, высказанный до конца
gift – дар, подарок                              theme – тема
recognition – узнавание, признание, одоб-        respectable – уважаемый
    рение                                        Beelzebub – Вельзевул, дьявол, сатана
orthodox – ортодоксальный, правоверный,          parable – притча, иносказание
    общепринятый                                 adversary – враг, противник, соперник
conviction of sin – сознание греховности         to combat against – сражаться, бороться
it grates on my ear – это мне режет слух            против
     Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте синонимы к следующим словам:
deeply, final, desire, of course, estimation, insignificant, enemy, to struggle.
     Упражнение 2. Скажите, что говорилось в тексте о следующих фактах
и явлениях: the ultimate purpose, conviction of sin, Johns Hopkins University, di-