Английский язык. Ч. 1. Гималетдинова Г.К - 34 стр.


ред подлежащим, а смысловой глагол в форме Participle II после подле-
We have known each other since childhood. – Have we known each other
since childhood?
She has finished her work. – Has she finished her work?
By five Kate had finished all the work. – Had Kate finished her work by
В Future Perfect вспомогательный глагол will ставится перед подлежа-
щим, а глагол have и смысловой глагол в форме Participle IIпосле подле-
I will have finished the work by 10 in the morning tomorrow. – Will I have
finished the work by 10?
Конструкция отрицательных предложений во временах
Perfect Active
В отрицательных предложениях частица not ставится после вспомога-
тельного глагола to have в соответствующей форме. В Future Perfect части-
ца not ставится после вспомогательного глагола will.
She has finished her work. – She has not finished her work.
By five Kate had finished all the work. – By five Kate had not finished her
I will have finished the work by 10 in the morning tomorrow. – I won’t have
finished the work by 10 o’clock.
Упражнение 11. Задайте общий вопрос к предложению и ответьте на
него отрицательно, при необходимости изменяя наречия времени.
1) We have met somewhere before. 2) She has read the article. 3) Some-
body has told her the truth already. 4) I had typed the report by 2 o’clock yester-
day. 5) He will have painted the walls in the kitchen by Thursday. 6) Everything
had been already prepared for the guests’ arrival. 7) By next summer I will have
got my driving license. 8) They will have repaired the computer only by the begin-
ning of the next week. 9) You have spent all the money. 10) She will have gradu-
ated from the University by the time you come from abroad.
Упражнение 12. Задайте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам
в предложении.
1) We have discussed this question. 2) They have been friends for twenty
years. 3) Alex has gone to Italy. 4) Mike had left the camp before my arrival there.
Somebody had tidied up the flat by the time we moved into it. 5) We will have
moved to our new house by January. 6) By that time she will have received my let-
ter. 7) It had been a magnificent palace before the war. 8) I hope it will have
stopped snowing by tomorrow morning. 9) I’m afraid my train will have left by that
Lord of the Flies
To me Lord of the Flies is a profoundly true book. Its happy offence lies in its
masterful, dramatic and powerful narration of the human condition, with which a pe-
ruser of the daily newspaper should already be familiar. The ultimate purpose of the
novel is not to leave its readers in a state of paralytic horror. The intention is certainly

ред подлежащим, а смысловой глагол в форме Participle II – после подле-
      We have known each other since childhood. – Have we known each other
since childhood?
      She has finished her work. – Has she finished her work?
      By five Kate had finished all the work. – Had Kate finished her work by
      В Future Perfect вспомогательный глагол will ставится перед подлежа-
щим, а глагол have и смысловой глагол в форме Participle II – после подле-
      I will have finished the work by 10 in the morning tomorrow. – Will I have
finished the work by 10?
        Конструкция отрицательных предложений во временах
                                 Perfect Active
     В отрицательных предложениях частица not ставится после вспомога-
тельного глагола to have в соответствующей форме. В Future Perfect части-
ца not ставится после вспомогательного глагола will.
     She has finished her work. – She has not finished her work.
     By five Kate had finished all the work. – By five Kate had not finished her
     I will have finished the work by 10 in the morning tomorrow. – I won’t have
finished the work by 10 o’clock.
      Упражнение 11. Задайте общий вопрос к предложению и ответьте на
него отрицательно, при необходимости изменяя наречия времени.
      1) We have met somewhere before. 2) She has read the article. 3) Some-
body has told her the truth already. 4) I had typed the report by 2 o’clock yester-
day. 5) He will have painted the walls in the kitchen by Thursday. 6) Everything
had been already prepared for the guests’ arrival. 7) By next summer I will have
got my driving license. 8) They will have repaired the computer only by the begin-
ning of the next week. 9) You have spent all the money. 10) She will have gradu-
ated from the University by the time you come from abroad.
      Упражнение 12. Задайте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам
в предложении.
      1) We have discussed this question. 2) They have been friends for twenty
years. 3) Alex has gone to Italy. 4) Mike had left the camp before my arrival there.
      Somebody had tidied up the flat by the time we moved into it. 5) We will have
moved to our new house by January. 6) By that time she will have received my let-
ter. 7) It had been a magnificent palace before the war. 8) I hope it will have
stopped snowing by tomorrow morning. 9) I’m afraid my train will have left by that

                                       TЕКСТ Б
                                    Lord of the Flies
       To me Lord of the Flies is a profoundly true book. Its happy offence lies in its
masterful, dramatic and powerful narration of the human condition, with which a pe-
ruser of the daily newspaper should already be familiar. The ultimate purpose of the
novel is not to leave its readers in a state of paralytic horror. The intention is certainly