tomers of the coffee houses were expected to drop coins into
13. box on which was written “to insure promptness.” “T.I.P.”,
14. initials of that phrase are said to be 15. origin of the modern word
The question, of course, is whom do we tip and how much is consid-
ered 16. fair amount. Usually 17. waiters and 18. taxi cab drivers ex-
pect to get a tip. In 19. hotel, the bellhop and chamber-maid also ex-
pect some gratuity. The amount, of course, depends upon the nature of
the service requested and the quality level of the hotel. Hairdressers
and barbers can also merit a small tip. Even sky-cap porters at 20. air-
ports who may carry your suitcase to 21. checkout counter expect
22. dollar tip per 23. bag.
Although the amount may vary according to the kind of service and the
quality of the restaurant and hotel, generally, 24. ten percent tip is con-
sidered adequate. In New York and larger metropolitan cities they may
expect as much as fifteen or twenty percent.
In 25. restaurants, the tip is left on the table and the bill is paid sepa-
rately. The tip should never be given directly to 26. waiter but it can be
added onto a check if one is paying by 27. credit card. In tipping
28. cab driver, the tip can simply be added to the total amount of the
Tipping, of course, is not mandatory in any situation, and one should
not feel under any obligation to give one. If a waiter is not prompt and
attentive and noticeably lacking in 29. courtesy and manners, it would
be perfectly acceptable not to leave 30. tip. It would also not be out of
31. order to register 32. complaint with the management. Likewise, if
a cab driver does not take a passenger to his destination by 33. shortest
route, he also deserves to forfeit his tip.
Ushers in theaters whose job it is to see you to your seat and service
help in 34. fast food restaurants do not expect 35. tip. At the end of
the year, however, it has become the custom to give a tip or small gift
to newspaper boys who deliver 36. paper to your home throughout
37. year. The same may be true for 38. garbage collectors or anyone
who may have provided 39. special service. 40. Most Americans dis-
like tipping and find it 41. nuisance. If 42. poll were taken, the consen-
sus would favor just adding the tip to the total of the bill as is the cus-
tom in Japan and other Asian countries.
1. Part-time jobs for 2. American students are very popular but usually
begin during their high school days. Besides working in fast food res-
taurants and small cafeterias, 3. very popular job for 4. teenager in
America is baby sitting. This has its greatest appeal among 5. teenage
girls and 6. good baby sitter can earn quite a bit if she is reliable, re-
sponsible and mature.
It is not necessarily 7. easy job and requires both 8. social skills and
9. general competence. A good baby sitter should know how to change
10. diapers and earn the respect of 11. children she is watching. She
must be able to get the children ready for 12. bed and keep 13. eye on
them even while they are sleeping. In 14. addition, she should be able
to handle any unexpected emergency with 15. common sense and be
calm at all times. She should know 16. emergency numbers of the
hospital and police for situations which require 17. assistance.
Once the children are asleep the baby sitter is free to watch 18. TV or
listen to 19. music. If she is really conscientious about her studies, she
may well spend the time doing homework but should not tie up the
phone with 20. personal calls just in case 21. parents want to be in
22. contact with her. Such 23. job often involves working on Friday
and Saturday nights when many married couples like to spend
24. night going to 25. movie or the theater. On such occasions they will
leave their children in 26. care of 27. dependable baby-sitter.
Other part-time jobs which are popular especially among 28. young
boys is managing 29. paper route or mowing 30. lawns of people in
one’s neighborhood. These jobs also requires a sense of maturity and
responsibility and can be 31. source of good income for 32. high
tomers of the coffee houses were expected to drop coins into who may have provided 39. special service. 40. Most Americans dis- 13. box on which was written “to insure promptness.” “T.I.P.”, like tipping and find it 41. nuisance. If 42. poll were taken, the consen- 14. initials of that phrase are said to be 15. origin of the modern word sus would favor just adding the tip to the total of the bill as is the cus- “tipping.” tom in Japan and other Asian countries. The question, of course, is whom do we tip and how much is consid- TEXT TEN PART-TIME JOBS FOR TEENAGERS ered 16. fair amount. Usually 17. waiters and 18. taxi cab drivers ex- AND YOUNG ADULTS pect to get a tip. In 19. hotel, the bellhop and chamber-maid also ex- pect some gratuity. The amount, of course, depends upon the nature of 1. Part-time jobs for 2. American students are very popular but usually the service requested and the quality level of the hotel. Hairdressers begin during their high school days. Besides working in fast food res- and barbers can also merit a small tip. Even sky-cap porters at 20. air- taurants and small cafeterias, 3. very popular job for 4. teenager in ports who may carry your suitcase to 21. checkout counter expect America is baby sitting. This has its greatest appeal among 5. teenage 22. dollar tip per 23. bag. girls and 6. good baby sitter can earn quite a bit if she is reliable, re- sponsible and mature. Although the amount may vary according to the kind of service and the quality of the restaurant and hotel, generally, 24. ten percent tip is con- It is not necessarily 7. easy job and requires both 8. social skills and sidered adequate. In New York and larger metropolitan cities they may 9. general competence. A good baby sitter should know how to change expect as much as fifteen or twenty percent. 10. diapers and earn the respect of 11. children she is watching. She must be able to get the children ready for 12. bed and keep 13. eye on In 25. restaurants, the tip is left on the table and the bill is paid sepa- them even while they are sleeping. In 14. addition, she should be able rately. The tip should never be given directly to 26. waiter but it can be to handle any unexpected emergency with 15. common sense and be added onto a check if one is paying by 27. credit card. In tipping calm at all times. She should know 16. emergency numbers of the 28. cab driver, the tip can simply be added to the total amount of the hospital and police for situations which require 17. assistance. fare. Once the children are asleep the baby sitter is free to watch 18. TV or Tipping, of course, is not mandatory in any situation, and one should listen to 19. music. If she is really conscientious about her studies, she not feel under any obligation to give one. If a waiter is not prompt and may well spend the time doing homework but should not tie up the attentive and noticeably lacking in 29. courtesy and manners, it would phone with 20. personal calls just in case 21. parents want to be in be perfectly acceptable not to leave 30. tip. It would also not be out of 22. contact with her. Such 23. job often involves working on Friday 31. order to register 32. complaint with the management. Likewise, if and Saturday nights when many married couples like to spend a cab driver does not take a passenger to his destination by 33. shortest 24. night going to 25. movie or the theater. On such occasions they will route, he also deserves to forfeit his tip. leave their children in 26. care of 27. dependable baby-sitter. Ushers in theaters whose job it is to see you to your seat and service Other part-time jobs which are popular especially among 28. young help in 34. fast food restaurants do not expect 35. tip. At the end of boys is managing 29. paper route or mowing 30. lawns of people in the year, however, it has become the custom to give a tip or small gift one’s neighborhood. These jobs also requires a sense of maturity and to newspaper boys who deliver 36. paper to your home throughout responsibility and can be 31. source of good income for 32. high 37. year. The same may be true for 38. garbage collectors or anyone 23 24
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