Неличные формы глагола. Артикль. Гоголь О.В. - 31 стр.



came 15. – headlines in 16. the news and angered 17. the farmers
who raised this crop Ghosts emerge from 18. a president’s past to
haunt him and long-lost relatives, who should have remained better
forgotten and left to obscurity, suddenly appear in 19. the limelight.
The confidentiality of his college grades are brought to the surface and
20. the nation soon learns if he was 21. an honor student or barely
made it to graduation. The president’s wife , who is known as 22. the
First Lady, also receives special attention. So do his children and close
friends. 23. -- Comments made in 24. -- jest are taken seriously. If her
were 25. a good athlete in his college days, 26. the public will expect
to see pictures of how he performed. If he has 27. a secret retreat
somewhere in 28. the country, the public will want to know of its
whereabouts. His health also is 29. a matter of 30. -- public concern.
Should he be 31. a smoker , everyone will know how many cigarettes
he smokes daily. Should he be hospitalized, the attending physician
will hold 32. a press conference and describe the nature of the illness.
The American people watch their president’s life unfold on 33. -- TV
as if they were members of his own immediate family. Perhaps no-
where was this sense of exploitation drawn to the extreme than with the
events leading up to 34. the impeachment of 35. -- President Clinton by
36. the House of Representatives. The truth became tabloid and pri-
vacy became a perversion. It became 37. a situation in which all of the
people involved became losers.
As president he becomes the nation’s scapegoat, rather than its leader.
Unfortunately, the tragic effect of this scrutiny is reflected in 38. the
lack of men willing to assume elected offices. 39. -- Qualified men of
good character are now dissuaded from entering 40. -- politics.
Americans have 1. a great love for 2. -- informality and nowhere is
this better expressed than in their love for 3. – nicknames. Upon greet-
ing strangers for 4. the first time they will quickly introduce them-
selves by their nickname. These are shortened forms of their given
name at 5. – birth and reflect the casual relationships which exist
among friends and coworkers. Family names are hardly ever used in 6.
-- daily situations and 7. the use of one’s father’s last name is saved
only for rare and formal occasions. In many traditional cultures the use
of the family name is seen as 8. a sign of 9. -- respect. For Americans,
however, it’s the nickname which creates an immediate intimacy be-
tween 10 -- two people upon which to build 11. a relationship. By
speaking to another on 12. a first name basis and using his nickname
walls are immediately torn down and equality between two people is
established. At work 13. -- bosses will refer to their employees by their
nicknames. Should 14.an employer use 15. a worker’s family name,
you can be sure that some kind of correction or serious business will
follow. This love for nicknames can create 16. a sense of closeness be-
tween people who are otherwise not related. Even 17. the presidents of
the United States Have borne nicknames. Abraham Lincoln was known
as Honest Abe, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was simply called FDR;
Eisenhower was referred to informally as Ike; Richard Nixon was
scorned as Tricky Dick; 18. -- President Reagan was affectionately
called The Gipper. John F. Kennedy was known as Jack or JFK and
William Clinton has no reservations in letting 19 -- people know he
prefers to be called Bill, but those who look upon him with 20. -- disfa-
vor may call him Slick Willy. Not only people but 21. -- cities often
carry their own nicknames. Chicago is called the “Windy City” be-
cause of 22. the gusty winds which come down from 23. -- Canada
throughout 24. the year. Philadelphia is well-known as 25. The City of
Brotherly Love”, St. Louis with its Gateway Arch is called 26. The
Gateway to 27. the West”, and 28. -- New York City is considered the
“Big Apple” for reasons which are still obscure to 29. -- most people
including many New Yorkers. Other cities are merely abbreviations for
30. the sake of 31. -- convenience. Washington is simply called D.C.
and Los Angeles is L.A. Even some of the natural wonders of the land
have been baptized with 32. a nickname. Perhaps 33. the most famous
in this regard is the geyser at Yellowstone National Park in 34. --
Wyoming. Because it erupts on a regular basis and without 35. -- fail, it
has been nicknamed Old Faithful. Not every nickname, however, is 36.
a complement and some can be downright rude and insulting. If some-
one should demonstrate 37. a certain negative characteristic, 38. a label
will soon be attached to describe that person in 39 a non-flattering way.
came 15. – headlines in 16. the news and angered 17. the farmers            -- daily situations and 7. the use of one’s father’s last name is saved
who raised this crop Ghosts emerge from 18. a president’s past to           only for rare and formal occasions. In many traditional cultures the use
haunt him and long-lost relatives, who should have remained better          of the family name is seen as 8. a sign of 9. -- respect. For Americans,
forgotten and left to obscurity, suddenly appear in 19. the limelight.      however, it’s the nickname which creates an immediate intimacy be-
The confidentiality of his college grades are brought to the surface and    tween 10 -- two people upon which to build 11. a relationship. By
20. the nation soon learns if he was 21. an honor student or barely         speaking to another on 12. a first name basis and using his nickname
made it to graduation. The president’s wife , who is known as 22. the       walls are immediately torn down and equality between two people is
First Lady, also receives special attention. So do his children and close   established. At work 13. -- bosses will refer to their employees by their
friends. 23. -- Comments made in 24. -- jest are taken seriously. If her    nicknames. Should 14.an employer use 15. a worker’s family name,
were 25. a good athlete in his college days, 26. the public will expect     you can be sure that some kind of correction or serious business will
to see pictures of how he performed. If he has 27. a secret retreat         follow. This love for nicknames can create 16. a sense of closeness be-
somewhere in 28. the country, the public will want to know of its           tween people who are otherwise not related. Even 17. the presidents of
whereabouts. His health also is 29. a matter of 30. -- public concern.      the United States Have borne nicknames. Abraham Lincoln was known
Should he be 31. a smoker , everyone will know how many cigarettes          as Honest Abe, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was simply called FDR;
he smokes daily. Should he be hospitalized, the attending physician         Eisenhower was referred to informally as Ike; Richard Nixon was
will hold 32. a press conference and describe the nature of the illness.    scorned as Tricky Dick; 18. -- President Reagan was affectionately
The American people watch their president’s life unfold on 33. -- TV        called The Gipper. John F. Kennedy was known as Jack or JFK and
as if they were members of his own immediate family. Perhaps no-            William Clinton has no reservations in letting 19 -- people know he
where was this sense of exploitation drawn to the extreme than with the     prefers to be called Bill, but those who look upon him with 20. -- disfa-
events leading up to 34. the impeachment of 35. -- President Clinton by     vor may call him Slick Willy. Not only people but 21. -- cities often
36. the House of Representatives. The truth became tabloid and pri-         carry their own nicknames. Chicago is called the “Windy City” be-
vacy became a perversion. It became 37. a situation in which all of the     cause of 22. the gusty winds which come down from 23. -- Canada
people involved became losers.                                              throughout 24. the year. Philadelphia is well-known as 25. The City of
As president he becomes the nation’s scapegoat, rather than its leader.     Brotherly Love”, St. Louis with its Gateway Arch is called 26. The
Unfortunately, the tragic effect of this scrutiny is reflected in 38. the   Gateway to 27. the West”, and 28. -- New York City is considered the
lack of men willing to assume elected offices. 39. -- Qualified men of      “Big Apple” for reasons which are still obscure to 29. -- most people
good character are now dissuaded from entering 40. -- politics.             including many New Yorkers. Other cities are merely abbreviations for
                                                                            30. the sake of 31. -- convenience. Washington is simply called D.C.
TEXT THREE                                              NICKNAMES           and Los Angeles is L.A. Even some of the natural wonders of the land
                                                                            have been baptized with 32. a nickname. Perhaps 33. the most famous
Americans have 1. a great love for 2. -- informality and nowhere is         in this regard is the geyser at Yellowstone National Park in 34. --
this better expressed than in their love for 3. – nicknames. Upon greet-    Wyoming. Because it erupts on a regular basis and without 35. -- fail, it
ing strangers for 4. the first time they will quickly introduce them-       has been nicknamed Old Faithful. Not every nickname, however, is 36.
selves by their nickname. These are shortened forms of their given          a complement and some can be downright rude and insulting. If some-
name at 5. – birth and reflect the casual relationships which exist         one should demonstrate 37. a certain negative characteristic, 38. a label
among friends and coworkers. Family names are hardly ever used in 6.        will soon be attached to describe that person in 39 a non-flattering way.

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