It is for this reason that 12. a Friday morning is greeted with 13. ---
warm anticipation and 14. an upbeat attitude. T.G.I.F. stands for
15. the words “Thank God It’s Friday.” At the office or workplace col-
leagues will greet each other with these four letters and everyone
knows what they mean. This expression will elicit 16. a great smile of
satisfaction from 17. --- most office workers. They soon think of how
they might spend 18. the weekend, since most offices and schools are
not opened on Saturdays and Sundays.
Closing time on Friday, therefore, brings in 19. the pleasure of 20. a
two-day weekend. For Americans, this is 21. a time to go off some-
where with friends or by oneself to recharge one’s batteries and renew
one’s energy.
When Friday does come around, 22. the excitement which it engenders
becomes contagious as co-workers and colleagues get together and
brace themselves for their weekend plans. Perhaps they will take off
into 23. the country for 24. an overnight stay at a mountain resort, or
go skiing at a nearby lodge or better yet, stay at home and do abso-
lutely nothing at all.
When Sunday night approaches, they are sufficiently refreshed or to-
tally exhausted. 25. ---- Most, however, are sufficiently invigorated to
get up on Monday morning and trudge off to 26. --- work renewing the
week’s cycle. If the mood on Monday is a bit more subdued, it is be-
cause everyone knows another Blue Monday has begun.
In recent years some places of employment have begun to initiate 27. a
four-day work week and 28. the computer age has even made it possi-
ble for many jobs to function from the home without 29. the need to
commute. Even some holidays which used to fall in the middle of the
week are now moved to Monday guaranteeing a longer weekend. Per-
haps the traditional attitudes towards Mondays and Fridays may soon
be 30. a thing of the past.
Among 1. the many tourist sights which 2. -- people around 3. the
world often wish to visit in America the Disney Parks hold 4. a rather
special and prominent place. They are more than just 5. an average va-
cation spot for 6. a typical American family. They are a total experi-
ence which is both exciting and enjoyable. They are self-contained
worlds of magic, mystery and fun.
These Disney Parks are places where 7. -- fantasy and 8. -- reality
freely mix with each other and one can indulge oneself totally at
whichever age level one wants to be. One can become part of 9. the
past or journey into 10. the future. Attractions in the park are based on
the tales and legends which nurture the imagination of 11. a child’s
world and take the adult back on 12. a journey into his own past.
These parks are 13. -- places where 14. -- adults can once again be-
come a child, and children can live in the dreams of their youth. The
Disney characters made popular through animated films come alive
and invite the visitors of the park to become part of their world. 15. --
Children can take a picture with 16. -- Snow White and shake 17. --
hands with 18. -- Mickey Mouse himself. Donald Duck, Goofy, and the
Seven Dwarves walk about the streets and avenues of the park like
19 -- living celebrities ever ready for 20. a photo or 21. a signature.
The magical world of Disney creates 22. an innocent mythology
which speaks directly to the child within each of us.
Although the first Disney park was opened several decades ago in 23. a
suburb of Los Angeles in Anaheim, California, 24. a second park was
later established on the East Coast of America in Orlando, Florida. It
was not long before 25. a Disneyland opened near Tokyo and later one
was built in Paris.
Since the advent of Disneyland, 26. -- other theme parks have emerged
throughout the country using Disney as their model for 27. -- success.
Over the years they also have established themselves and have grown
and expanded offering wholesome entertainment for the family. In
America alone Busch Gardens and Six Flags Over Texas are represen-
tative of this kind of holiday destination.
Obviously their popularity is based on the need to offer 28. a valuable
service to 29. the public. They provide vacationing families with 30. a
wholesome atmosphere especially designed for children but which of-
fers enough diversity to entertain adults as well.
It is for this reason that 12. a Friday morning is greeted with 13. --- ence which is both exciting and enjoyable. They are self-contained warm anticipation and 14. an upbeat attitude. T.G.I.F. stands for worlds of magic, mystery and fun. 15. the words “Thank God It’s Friday.” At the office or workplace col- leagues will greet each other with these four letters and everyone These Disney Parks are places where 7. -- fantasy and 8. -- reality knows what they mean. This expression will elicit 16. a great smile of freely mix with each other and one can indulge oneself totally at satisfaction from 17. --- most office workers. They soon think of how whichever age level one wants to be. One can become part of 9. the they might spend 18. the weekend, since most offices and schools are past or journey into 10. the future. Attractions in the park are based on not opened on Saturdays and Sundays. the tales and legends which nurture the imagination of 11. a child’s Closing time on Friday, therefore, brings in 19. the pleasure of 20. a world and take the adult back on 12. a journey into his own past. two-day weekend. For Americans, this is 21. a time to go off some- where with friends or by oneself to recharge one’s batteries and renew These parks are 13. -- places where 14. -- adults can once again be- one’s energy. come a child, and children can live in the dreams of their youth. The When Friday does come around, 22. the excitement which it engenders Disney characters made popular through animated films come alive becomes contagious as co-workers and colleagues get together and and invite the visitors of the park to become part of their world. 15. -- brace themselves for their weekend plans. Perhaps they will take off Children can take a picture with 16. -- Snow White and shake 17. -- into 23. the country for 24. an overnight stay at a mountain resort, or hands with 18. -- Mickey Mouse himself. Donald Duck, Goofy, and the go skiing at a nearby lodge or better yet, stay at home and do abso- Seven Dwarves walk about the streets and avenues of the park like lutely nothing at all. 19 -- living celebrities ever ready for 20. a photo or 21. a signature. When Sunday night approaches, they are sufficiently refreshed or to- The magical world of Disney creates 22. an innocent mythology tally exhausted. 25. ---- Most, however, are sufficiently invigorated to which speaks directly to the child within each of us. get up on Monday morning and trudge off to 26. --- work renewing the week’s cycle. If the mood on Monday is a bit more subdued, it is be- Although the first Disney park was opened several decades ago in 23. a cause everyone knows another Blue Monday has begun. suburb of Los Angeles in Anaheim, California, 24. a second park was In recent years some places of employment have begun to initiate 27. a later established on the East Coast of America in Orlando, Florida. It four-day work week and 28. the computer age has even made it possi- was not long before 25. a Disneyland opened near Tokyo and later one ble for many jobs to function from the home without 29. the need to was built in Paris. commute. Even some holidays which used to fall in the middle of the Since the advent of Disneyland, 26. -- other theme parks have emerged week are now moved to Monday guaranteeing a longer weekend. Per- throughout the country using Disney as their model for 27. -- success. haps the traditional attitudes towards Mondays and Fridays may soon Over the years they also have established themselves and have grown be 30. a thing of the past. and expanded offering wholesome entertainment for the family. In America alone Busch Gardens and Six Flags Over Texas are represen- TEXT SIX DISNEYLAND AND THEME PARKS tative of this kind of holiday destination. Among 1. the many tourist sights which 2. -- people around 3. the Obviously their popularity is based on the need to offer 28. a valuable world often wish to visit in America the Disney Parks hold 4. a rather service to 29. the public. They provide vacationing families with 30. a special and prominent place. They are more than just 5. an average va- wholesome atmosphere especially designed for children but which of- cation spot for 6. a typical American family. They are a total experi- fers enough diversity to entertain adults as well. 65 66
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