Pachinko, 1. a kind of pinball machine which is so popular in Japan,
has never really caught on in America. In 2. the U.S. other forms of
gambling seem to meet more with public favor. Especially popular
ones are 3. -- casinos which offer 4. a variety of games at which one
can test his fate and try his luck.
5. The most popular gambling city in America and perhaps 6. the
world is Las Vegas. Located in the middle of the Western desert, this
city is 7. a unique place where 8. the main attractions are the many ca-
sinos with their non-stop gambling machines and nightclub entertain-
The gambling covers 9. a wide range of games from roulette to slot
machines and black jack. 10 The element and danger of risk is ever
present. 11. A person may lose a little over 12. a long period of time or
a great deal all at once. Such is 13. the uncertainty of gambling. 15. A
careful gambler will never lose more than he could afford and 16. a
lucky gambler may walk home with a jackpot. Most would be happy if
they just broke out even.
When one tires of these games of chance, the gambler may enjoy the
many nightclubs which are part of the casinos. Featuring some of the
nation’s most famed entertainers, they provide 17. a necessary distrac-
tion and offer a moment of relief from 18. the tensions of the gambling
tables. For those who may have suffered 19. -- great financial losses,
they offer temporary consolation before the long trip home.
If one cannot afford to travel out West, then there is 20 a gambling
center in the eastern part of America which offers 21. a similar outlet to
those who wish to try their luck with 22. -- fate. The East Coast “Las
Vegas” is located at Atlantic City in New Jersey. Instead of being lo-
cated in the desert, it is found on 23. the windswept white sandy
beaches of 24. the great Atlantic Ocean.
In recent years 25. the popularity of gambling once confined to Las
Vegas and Atlantic City has extended to 26. -- other states especially
along the coast of 27. the Gulf of Mexico. Following suit several other
states have chosen to legalize casino gambling with 28. the hope of
acquiring revenue to fund domestic programs. The once pristine and
secluded beaches in many southern states are now alive with 29. the
lights and lure of the casinos. These casinos have begun to attract many
gamblers worldwide to their shores.
Although the excitement of gambling can provide much fun, it’s possi-
ble to lose 30. a great amount of money at the casinos and some people
often do. There is 31. a growing fear among some people that gambling
can be 32. a social disorder which breaks up 33. -- families and lives. If
someone feels they are 34. a compulsive gambler, they are advised to
seek 35. -- help through Gamblers Anonymous.
One of 1. the most convenient and cheapest ways to see 2. -- America
is by riding 3. a Greyhound bus. This interstate bus system connects all
major cities in 4. the United States providing them with 5. -- frequent
and convenient service. The bus system even has 6. an international
service which connects 7. the Canadian cities of Vancouver, Toronto
and Montreal to the Continental United States. At the southern border
Greyhound also makes connection with 8. -- cities in Mexico.
Traveling by 9. -- bus may take longer than flying by 10. -- plane, but
the terminals are located in the center of most cities and there is easy
access to the downtown area. At 11. -- night these terminals are care-
fully supervised and patrolled by 12. -- security guards so as to guaran-
tee safety. If 13. a person in the terminal cannot produce 14. an ongo-
ing ticket to another destination, he will be required to leave. 15. The
purpose of this policy is to safeguard 16. the security of passengers and
discourage 17. -- beggars from loitering around the premises. Some
terminals in major cities are opened around 18. the clock, while others
may close after 19. -- midnight and open again in 20. the morning.
Greyhound also offers 21. a variety of 22. -- discount fares for the
cross-country travelers who may like to visit many places across the
continent. For them there is 23. the Ameripass. This pass is designed
TEXT SEVEN LAS VEGAS AND ATLANTIC CITY states have chosen to legalize casino gambling with 28. the hope of acquiring revenue to fund domestic programs. The once pristine and Pachinko, 1. a kind of pinball machine which is so popular in Japan, secluded beaches in many southern states are now alive with 29. the has never really caught on in America. In 2. the U.S. other forms of lights and lure of the casinos. These casinos have begun to attract many gambling seem to meet more with public favor. Especially popular gamblers worldwide to their shores. ones are 3. -- casinos which offer 4. a variety of games at which one can test his fate and try his luck. Although the excitement of gambling can provide much fun, it’s possi- ble to lose 30. a great amount of money at the casinos and some people 5. The most popular gambling city in America and perhaps 6. the often do. There is 31. a growing fear among some people that gambling world is Las Vegas. Located in the middle of the Western desert, this can be 32. a social disorder which breaks up 33. -- families and lives. If city is 7. a unique place where 8. the main attractions are the many ca- someone feels they are 34. a compulsive gambler, they are advised to sinos with their non-stop gambling machines and nightclub entertain- seek 35. -- help through Gamblers Anonymous. ment. The gambling covers 9. a wide range of games from roulette to slot TEXT EIGHT GREYHOUND BUSES machines and black jack. 10 The element and danger of risk is ever present. 11. A person may lose a little over 12. a long period of time or One of 1. the most convenient and cheapest ways to see 2. -- America a great deal all at once. Such is 13. the uncertainty of gambling. 15. A is by riding 3. a Greyhound bus. This interstate bus system connects all careful gambler will never lose more than he could afford and 16. a major cities in 4. the United States providing them with 5. -- frequent lucky gambler may walk home with a jackpot. Most would be happy if and convenient service. The bus system even has 6. an international they just broke out even. service which connects 7. the Canadian cities of Vancouver, Toronto When one tires of these games of chance, the gambler may enjoy the and Montreal to the Continental United States. At the southern border many nightclubs which are part of the casinos. Featuring some of the Greyhound also makes connection with 8. -- cities in Mexico. nation’s most famed entertainers, they provide 17. a necessary distrac- tion and offer a moment of relief from 18. the tensions of the gambling Traveling by 9. -- bus may take longer than flying by 10. -- plane, but tables. For those who may have suffered 19. -- great financial losses, the terminals are located in the center of most cities and there is easy they offer temporary consolation before the long trip home. access to the downtown area. At 11. -- night these terminals are care- fully supervised and patrolled by 12. -- security guards so as to guaran- If one cannot afford to travel out West, then there is 20 a gambling tee safety. If 13. a person in the terminal cannot produce 14. an ongo- center in the eastern part of America which offers 21. a similar outlet to ing ticket to another destination, he will be required to leave. 15. The those who wish to try their luck with 22. -- fate. The East Coast “Las purpose of this policy is to safeguard 16. the security of passengers and Vegas” is located at Atlantic City in New Jersey. Instead of being lo- discourage 17. -- beggars from loitering around the premises. Some cated in the desert, it is found on 23. the windswept white sandy terminals in major cities are opened around 18. the clock, while others beaches of 24. the great Atlantic Ocean. may close after 19. -- midnight and open again in 20. the morning. In recent years 25. the popularity of gambling once confined to Las Greyhound also offers 21. a variety of 22. -- discount fares for the Vegas and Atlantic City has extended to 26. -- other states especially cross-country travelers who may like to visit many places across the along the coast of 27. the Gulf of Mexico. Following suit several other continent. For them there is 23. the Ameripass. This pass is designed 67 68
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