1. -- Part-time jobs for 2. -- American students are very popular but
usually begin during their high school days. Besides working in fast
food restaurants and small cafeterias, 3. a very popular job for 4. a
teenager in America is baby sitting. This has its greatest appeal among
5. -- teenage girls and 6. a good baby sitter can earn quite a bit if she is
reliable, responsible and mature.
It is not necessarily 7. an easy job and requires both 8. -- social skills
and 9. -- general competence. A good baby sitter should know how to
change 10. -- diapers and earn the respect of 11. the children she is
watching. She must be able to get the children ready for 12. -- bed and
keep 13. an eye on them even while they are sleeping. In 14. -- addi-
tion, she should be able to handle any unexpected emergency with
15. -- common sense and be calm at all times. She should know 16. the
emergency numbers of the hospital and police for situations which re-
quire 17. -- assistance. Once the children are asleep the baby sitter is
free to watch 18. -- TV or listen to 19. -- music. If she is really consci-
entious about her studies, she may well spend the time doing home-
work but should not tie up the phone with 20. -- personal calls just in
case 21. the parents want to be in 22. -- contact with her.
Such 23. a job often involves working on Friday and Saturday nights
when many married couples like to spend 24. the night going to 25. a
movie or the theater. On such occasions they will leave their children
in 26. the care of 27. a dependable baby-sitter.
Other part-time jobs which are popular especially among 28. -- young
boys is managing 29. a paper route or mowing 30. the lawns of people
in one’s neighborhood. These jobs also requires a sense of maturity and
responsibility and can be 31. a source of good income for 32. a high
school student. Young boys who run paper routes are required to get up
early in 33. the morning to deliver the daily news regardless of 34. the
weather. This job has no holidays and requires the newspaper to be de-
livered every day without 35. -- exception. In America there are no
newspaper holidays. If they choose to mow lawns, part of the job re-
sponsibilities may require that they also periodically rid it of 36. --
weeds and occasionally re-seed areas which have been burned by
37. the sun or thinned or thinned out by wear. During the winter
38.a snowstorm can become another source of income for the teenager.
The young boys make their rounds through their neighborhood
equipped with 39. a shovel and offer to clear sidewalks or stoops in
front of homes or to dig out 40. a car buried in a meter of 41. -- snow.
These jobs, dependent on the weather, require stamina, diligence, dis-
cipline and a spirit of the entrepreneur.
While part-time jobs for high schools students may be frowned upon in
Japan, in American they are often seen as 42. an opportunity to teach
young people about work responsibility and respect for others.
For many Americans, Sunday is 1. a day of 2. -- rest. After 3. a busy
week of 4. -- business transactions and work routines, it is 5. a day to
pause and focus on 6. -- faith and family. However, it is not 7. a day to
waste away by doing nothing. It is a day for many to attend 8. -- church
and to worship with their local community. This notion is based on the
Biblical account of creation when 9. -- God created 10. the world in six
days and rested on 11. the seventh. For this reason, one day is set aside
during the week as a day of rest and worship. On Sunday 12. -- most
department stores and business are closed for 13. the day and only
places of entertainment and culture may be open to 14. the public.
Sometimes when we read the newspapers and watch TV, we get the
false impression that American is 15. an amoral society where 16. --
people have no respect for 17. -- family and religious values. This con-
cept is often exploited by 18. -- tabloid papers and the foreign press but
nothing could be further from 19. the truth. In spite of the apparent
carefree attitude sometimes projected by the press, many Americans,
especially those living in the rural areas and the deep south, are very
traditional in their approach to life, family and religion. Sundays for
them still become 20. a time to attend their local church and to meet
with their fellow parishioners.
At the church service, 21. a choir composed of members from the
community sings hymns and songs and the preacher or minister deliv-
TEXT TEN PART-TIME JOBS FOR TEENAGERS weeds and occasionally re-seed areas which have been burned by AND YOUNG ADULTS 37. the sun or thinned or thinned out by wear. During the winter 38.a snowstorm can become another source of income for the teenager. 1. -- Part-time jobs for 2. -- American students are very popular but The young boys make their rounds through their neighborhood usually begin during their high school days. Besides working in fast equipped with 39. a shovel and offer to clear sidewalks or stoops in food restaurants and small cafeterias, 3. a very popular job for 4. a front of homes or to dig out 40. a car buried in a meter of 41. -- snow. teenager in America is baby sitting. This has its greatest appeal among These jobs, dependent on the weather, require stamina, diligence, dis- 5. -- teenage girls and 6. a good baby sitter can earn quite a bit if she is cipline and a spirit of the entrepreneur. reliable, responsible and mature. It is not necessarily 7. an easy job and requires both 8. -- social skills While part-time jobs for high schools students may be frowned upon in and 9. -- general competence. A good baby sitter should know how to Japan, in American they are often seen as 42. an opportunity to teach change 10. -- diapers and earn the respect of 11. the children she is young people about work responsibility and respect for others. watching. She must be able to get the children ready for 12. -- bed and keep 13. an eye on them even while they are sleeping. In 14. -- addi- TEXT ELEVEN SUNDAY: A DAY OF REST tion, she should be able to handle any unexpected emergency with 15. -- common sense and be calm at all times. She should know 16. the For many Americans, Sunday is 1. a day of 2. -- rest. After 3. a busy emergency numbers of the hospital and police for situations which re- week of 4. -- business transactions and work routines, it is 5. a day to quire 17. -- assistance. Once the children are asleep the baby sitter is pause and focus on 6. -- faith and family. However, it is not 7. a day to free to watch 18. -- TV or listen to 19. -- music. If she is really consci- waste away by doing nothing. It is a day for many to attend 8. -- church entious about her studies, she may well spend the time doing home- and to worship with their local community. This notion is based on the work but should not tie up the phone with 20. -- personal calls just in Biblical account of creation when 9. -- God created 10. the world in six case 21. the parents want to be in 22. -- contact with her. days and rested on 11. the seventh. For this reason, one day is set aside Such 23. a job often involves working on Friday and Saturday nights during the week as a day of rest and worship. On Sunday 12. -- most when many married couples like to spend 24. the night going to 25. a department stores and business are closed for 13. the day and only movie or the theater. On such occasions they will leave their children places of entertainment and culture may be open to 14. the public. in 26. the care of 27. a dependable baby-sitter. Sometimes when we read the newspapers and watch TV, we get the false impression that American is 15. an amoral society where 16. -- Other part-time jobs which are popular especially among 28. -- young people have no respect for 17. -- family and religious values. This con- boys is managing 29. a paper route or mowing 30. the lawns of people cept is often exploited by 18. -- tabloid papers and the foreign press but in one’s neighborhood. These jobs also requires a sense of maturity and nothing could be further from 19. the truth. In spite of the apparent responsibility and can be 31. a source of good income for 32. a high carefree attitude sometimes projected by the press, many Americans, school student. Young boys who run paper routes are required to get up especially those living in the rural areas and the deep south, are very early in 33. the morning to deliver the daily news regardless of 34. the traditional in their approach to life, family and religion. Sundays for weather. This job has no holidays and requires the newspaper to be de- them still become 20. a time to attend their local church and to meet livered every day without 35. -- exception. In America there are no with their fellow parishioners. newspaper holidays. If they choose to mow lawns, part of the job re- At the church service, 21. a choir composed of members from the sponsibilities may require that they also periodically rid it of 36. -- community sings hymns and songs and the preacher or minister deliv- 71 72
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