• names of rivers, oceans and seas (the Nile, the
• points on the globe (the Equator, the North Pole)
• geographical areas (the Middle East, the West)
• deserts, forests, gulfs, and peninsulas (the Sa-
hara, the Persian Gulf, the Black Forest, the Ibe-
rian Peninsula)
Further Uses of Articles
In addition, use of a, an, and the also depends on
whether the noun following the article possesses one of
these paired qualities:
• Countable vs. noncountable
• First vs. subsequent mention
• General vs. specific
1. Countable vs. Noncountable
A and an are used if the noun can be counted
I stepped in a puddle. (How many puddles did you step
in? Just one. Therefore, use a.)
I drank a glass of milk. (Glasses of milk can be counted)
I saw an apple tree. (Apple trees can be counted)
The must be used when the noun cannot be counted
I dove into the water. (How many waters did you dive
into? The question doesn't make any sense because wa-
ter is noncountable. Therefore, use the.)
I saw the milk spill. (How many milks? Milk cannot be
I admired the foliage. (How many foliages? Foliage can-
not be counted)
2. First vs. Subsequent Mention
A or an is used to introduce a noun when it is men-
tioned for the first time in a piece of writing. The is used
afterward each time you mention that same noun.
An awards ceremony at the Kremlin would not normally
have attracted so much attention. But when it was
leaked that Soviet President Konstantin Chernenko
would be presenting medals to three cosmonauts, inter-
est in the ceremony intensified. Time, Sept. 17, 1984.
Note: There is and there are can be used to introduce
an indefinite noun at the beginning of a paragraph or
There is a robin in the tree outside my window. When
my cat jumps up on the desk, the robin flies away.
3. General vs. Specific
A, an, and the can all be used to indicate that a noun
refers to the whole class to which individual countable
nouns belong. This use of articles is called generic, from
the Latin word meaning "class."
A tiger is a dangerous animal. (any individual tiger)
The tiger is a dangerous animal. (all tigers: tiger as a
generic category)
The difference between the indefinite a and an and the
generic a and an is that the former means any one
• names of rivers, oceans and seas (the Nile, the I saw the milk spill. (How many milks? Milk cannot be Pacific) counted) • points on the globe (the Equator, the North Pole) I admired the foliage. (How many foliages? Foliage can- • geographical areas (the Middle East, the West) not be counted) • deserts, forests, gulfs, and peninsulas (the Sa- hara, the Persian Gulf, the Black Forest, the Ibe- 2. First vs. Subsequent Mention rian Peninsula) A or an is used to introduce a noun when it is men- tioned for the first time in a piece of writing. The is used Further Uses of Articles afterward each time you mention that same noun. An awards ceremony at the Kremlin would not normally In addition, use of a, an, and the also depends on have attracted so much attention. But when it was whether the noun following the article possesses one of leaked that Soviet President Konstantin Chernenko these paired qualities: would be presenting medals to three cosmonauts, inter- est in the ceremony intensified. Time, Sept. 17, 1984. • Countable vs. noncountable Note: There is and there are can be used to introduce • First vs. subsequent mention an indefinite noun at the beginning of a paragraph or • General vs. specific essay. There is a robin in the tree outside my window. When 1. Countable vs. Noncountable my cat jumps up on the desk, the robin flies away. A and an are used if the noun can be counted. 3. General vs. Specific I stepped in a puddle. (How many puddles did you step in? Just one. Therefore, use a.) A, an, and the can all be used to indicate that a noun refers to the whole class to which individual countable I drank a glass of milk. (Glasses of milk can be counted) nouns belong. This use of articles is called generic, from I saw an apple tree. (Apple trees can be counted) the Latin word meaning "class." A tiger is a dangerous animal. (any individual tiger) The must be used when the noun cannot be counted. The tiger is a dangerous animal. (all tigers: tiger as a I dove into the water. (How many waters did you dive generic category) into? The question doesn't make any sense because wa- The difference between the indefinite a and an and the ter is noncountable. Therefore, use the.) generic a and an is that the former means any one 9 10
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