Америка в прошлом и настоящем. Часть I. Горчакова Е.П - 8 стр.


I Have Killed the Deer
I have killed the deer
I have crushed the grasshopper
And the plants he feeds upon
I have cut through the heart
Of trees growing old and straight.
I have taken fish from water
And birds from the sky.
In my life I have needed death
So that my life can be.
When I die I must give life
To what has nourished me.
The earth receives my body
And gives it to the plants
And to the caterpillars
To the birds
And to the coyotes
Each in its own time so that
The circle of life is never broken.
Compare the examples of Russian poetic translations and choose the best
one. Explain your choice.
Я убил оленя
Убил я оленя,
Задавил саранчу
И свежесть растенья
Сорвать я хочу.
Взял сердце деревьев,
Что век здесь росли,
И рыбу, и птицу,
Что жить здесь могли.
Нуждаюсь я в смерти,
Брожу словно тень,
Она населяет
From THE HOLLERING SUN, by Nancy Wood.
                                  I Have Killed the Deer•
                               I have killed the deer
                               I have crushed the grasshopper
                               And the plants he feeds upon
                               I have cut through the heart
                               Of trees growing old and straight.
                               I have taken fish from water
                               And birds from the sky.
                               In my life I have needed death
                               So that my life can be.
                               When I die I must give life
                               To what has nourished me.
                               The earth receives my body
                               And gives it to the plants
                               And to the caterpillars
                               To the birds
                               And to the coyotes
                               Each in its own time so that
                               The circle of life is never broken.
                                                      (TAOS PUEBLO)

            Compare the examples of Russian poetic translations and choose the best
              one. Explain your choice.

                                      Я убил оленя
                                     Убил я оленя,
                                    Задавил саранчу
                                  И свежесть растенья
                                    Сорвать я хочу.

                                 Взял сердце деревьев,
                                  Что век здесь росли,
                                   И рыбу, и птицу,
                                 Что жить здесь могли.

                                 Нуждаюсь я в смерти,
                                  Брожу словно тень,
                                     Она населяет

    From THE HOLLERING SUN, by Nancy Wood.
