Английский язык. Горчакова Е.П - 29 стр.


9. manageable
10. memory
11. unlimited
12. creative
13. effective
i) consolidation
j) groups
k) processing
l) relations
m) duration
6. Read the list of adverbs and match them with the
words from the text:
7. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions from
the list:
by into
in through
1 to begin _____
2 the emphasis _____
3 to mean _____
4 interference _____
5 to improve something _____
6 to be forgotten _____ many ways
7 to weave experiences _____
8 to consolidate something _____
9 to be motivated _____
10 experiments _____
11 to differ _____

          9. manageable                        i) consolidation

          10. memory                           j) groups

          11. unlimited                        k) processing

          12. creative                         l) relations

          13. effective                        m) duration

      6 . Rea d t h e l i st o f a d ver bs a n d m a t c h t h em wi t h t h e
wo r ds f r o m t h e t ex t :

                               -    generally
                               -    immediately
                               -    appropriately
                               -    unbearably
                               -    fairly
                               -    faithfully
                               -    particularly

        7 . Fi l l i n t h e g a p s wi t h t h e c o r r ec t p r ep o si t i o n s f r o m
t h e l i st :

              with            on
              by              into
              in              through

              1      to begin _____
              2      the emphasis _____
              3      to mean _____
              4      interference _____
              5      to improve something _____
              6      to be forgotten _____ many ways
              7      to weave experiences _____
              8      to consolidate something _____
              9      to be motivated _____
              10     experiments _____
              11     to differ _____