Английский язык. Горчакова Е.П - 31 стр.


1 Think of the forces that move us in life. What values, ideals and
rules (of society) make us do what we do?
2 Comment on Shakespeares words: The fault, dear Brutus, lies
not in our stars but in ourselves.
2. Read the text. Five sentences have been removed
from it. Choose from the sentences A-E, the one which fits
each gap (1-5).
His ideas about unconscious motivation have had a
great influence, not only on psychology, but on
literature, medicine and many other areas of life.
An example of such a process would be the release of
stored fat when the organisms food intake has been so
long delayed that his supply of fuel is depleted.
The two seem to be dramatically opposed.
For some people even normal levels of stimulation are
insufficient, so that they actively seek stressful and
sometimes life-threatening situations.
Frustration, though unpleasant and sometimes painful,
can have beneficial effects.
3. Read the text and find the sentence which best
a) the theory of social determinism
b) the biological approach
c) frustration tolerance
d) motivational conflict
e) acquired motives
f) equilibrium motives
g) expansion motives

                                         UNI T 4

              MOT I VA T I ON: FR UST R A T I ON, CONF LI CT A ND
                             F ULFI L LMENT



      1 Think of the forces that move us in life. What values, ideals and
        rules (of society) make us do what we do?
      2 Comment on Shakespeare’s words: “The fault, dear Brutus, lies
        not in our stars but in ourselves”.


       2 . Rea d t h e t ex t . Fi ve sen t en c es h a ve been r em o ved
f r o m i t . Ch o o se f r o m t h e sen t en c es A-E, t h e o n e wh i c h f i t s
ea c h g a p (1 -5 ).

      A. His ideas about unconscious motivation have had a
         great influence, not only on psychology, but on
         literature, medicine and many other areas of life.
      B. An example of such a process would be the release of
         stored fat when the organism’s food intake has been so
         long delayed that his supply of “fuel” is depleted.
      C. The two seem to be dramatically opposed.
      D. For some people even normal levels of stimulation are
         insufficient, so that they actively seek stressful and
         sometimes life-threatening situations.
      E. Frustration, though unpleasant and sometimes painful,
         can have beneficial effects.

      3 . Rea d t h e t ex t a n d f i n d t h e sen t en c e wh i c h best
d esc r i bes.

      a)   the theory of social determinism
      b)   the biological approach
      c)   frustration tolerance
      d)   motivational conflict
      e)   acquired motives
      f)   equilibrium motives
      g)   expansion motives