Английский язык. Горчакова Е.П - 4 стр.


To be systematic in our description, measurement, and
classification of the various emotions, we must use one set of
terms and agree on their meaning. We have сhosen the
following four dimensions on which to measure emotional
experience: (1) Intensity of feeling is the dimension of the
strength of the emotion, as well as the degree to which the
entire self is involved. (2) Level of tension is a measure of the
persons impulse toward action- running, fighting, screaming,
and so forth. (3) Hedonic tone refers to an emotions position
on a scale that ranges from almost unbearably unpleasant to
superlatively pleasant. (4) Degree of complexity is related to
the extent to which an emotion is mixed with other, sometimes
contradictory, emotions.
We have chosen five classes into which to categorize
human emotions: (1) Anger, fear, grief, and joy are generally
called the basic or primary emotions, because they are
decidedly central to the self. These four emotions tend to be
goal-directed, have a high level of intensity, and are often quite
complex. (2) Pain, disgust, and delight all involve the senses
and are the main examples of emotions which pertain to
sensory stimulation. One might see these as the sensory
counterparts of the appreciate emotions. (3) Feelings of
success and failure, of shame, pride, guilt, and remorse are
emotions, which involve a persons appraisal of his own
behaviour (or basic worth) in relation to his internal
standards, clearly, are socially determined in the first
instance. (4) Love and hate and a great many other emotions,
ranging from positive to negative, and some of the subtle and
highly complex, are those which pertain to other people. (5)
The appreciate emotions include all our aesthetic feelings,
wonder, and awe, as well as the world of humor.
As with other aspects of human development, the course
of emotional expression runs from lesser to greater
differentiation, from generalized excitement to more variety
and finer discrimination, and finally, to more control in the
sense that the frequency and intensity of feelings decrease. Not
only children, but adults, too, develop increasing control over
their emotions, and it appears that with old age the levels of

 1   To be systematic in our description, measurement, and
classification of the various emotions, we must use one set of
terms and agree on their meaning. We have сhosen the
following four dimensions on which to measure emotional
experience: (1) Intensity of feeling is the dimension of the
strength of the emotion, as well as the degree to which the
entire self is involved. (2) Level of tension is a measure of the
person’s impulse toward action- running, fighting, screaming,
and so forth. (3) Hedonic tone refers to an emotion’s position
on a scale that ranges from almost unbearably unpleasant to
superlatively pleasant. (4) Degree of complexity is related to
the extent to which an emotion is mixed with other, sometimes
contradictory, emotions.
     We have chosen five classes into which to categorize
human emotions: (1) Anger, fear, grief, and joy are generally
called the basic or primary emotions, because they are
decidedly central to the self. These four emotions tend to be
goal-directed, have a high level of intensity, and are often quite
complex. (2) Pain, disgust, and delight all involve the senses
and are the main examples of emotions which pertain to
sensory stimulation. One might see these as the sensory
counterparts of the appreciate emotions. (3) Feelings of
success and failure, of shame, pride, guilt, and remorse are
emotions, which involve a person’s appraisal of his own
behaviour (or basic worth) in relation to his internal
standards, clearly, are socially determined in the first
instance. (4) Love and hate and a great many other emotions,
ranging from positive to negative, and some of the subtle and
highly complex, are those which pertain to other people. (5)
The appreciate emotions include all our aesthetic feelings,
wonder, and awe, as well as the world of humor.
      As with other aspects of human development, the course
of emotional expression runs from lesser to greater
differentiation, from generalized excitement to more variety
and finer discrimination, and finally, to more control in the
sense that the frequency and intensity of feelings decrease. Not
only children, but adults, too, develop increasing control over
their emotions, and it appears that with old age the levels of