Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 44 стр.


a sidewalk – тротуар
a poorly marked path – едва заметная тропинка
if you are really on the path or have lost it – действительно ли вы
находитесь на тропинке или заблудились
yes’s and noes expressed usually as 1’s and 0’s – да и нет, выраженных
обычно единицами и нулями
Text 3 (B). Electronic Computers
In the early 1940s the electronic computer was made with the mechanical
Relays replaced by vacuum tubes. These were, however, single-purpose
computers designed to aid in the war effort.
The first general-purpose electronic computer was ENIAC (Electronic
Numeric Integrator and Calculator) that was put into operation at the University
of Pennsylvania in 1946 – a 30-ton machine that contained over 17,000 vacuum
tubes and performed 100,000 operations per second (1 000 Kilohertz, or kHz),
1 000 times slower than today’s mega hertz (MHz) chips.
With the invention of transistors in 1948, vacuum tubes that generated a
great amount of heat were replaced by small transistors that functioned perfectly
as switches
and generated little heat.
By 1953 there were only about 100 computers in the entire world. They
were huge expensive machines. It was hard to imagine that one day machines
that were hundreds of times smaller and thousands of times more powerful
would occupy most homes and offices.
to aid in the war effort – для помощи в военных действиях;
switches – переключатели
Text 3 (C). Personal Computers
The first integrated circuit for computers was developed in 1958. Only in 1971 was
the microprocessor that contained all the basic elements of a computer on a single chip
introduced, followed by desktop computers in the mid-1970s.
Early computers were built as single-purpose machines, that is, they were built for
performing a specific task. The first general-purpose ENIAC built in 1946 was
programmable, but changing a program required rewiring
the machine!
The micromini computers of the 1970s and most in the 1980s followed the same
and required extensive knowledge of common codes and function keys.
Apple Computers Macintosh revolutionized the personal computer industry
with a new machine. The user no longer has to memorize an operating system